Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 What is Coming with AI in Sales
Podcast AI in Sales / PodCast / Feb 16, 2020 / Posted by DJ Sebastian / 1648

🎧 What is Coming with AI in Sales


Many people are curious about what the future of sales will look like with the addition of artificial intelligence (AI), and other AI-based tools. Some people fear that it will be absolute armageddon, and the end of all sales careers. Other people think that it is an amazing tool for salespeople to have access to. The reality is that it is probably somewhere in between, and AI’s influence will continue to evolve as things progress. DJ Sebastian, author of The Selling Revolution: Prospering In the New World of Artificial Intelligence, clarifies how AI will impact salespeople in this interview, hosted by John Golden.

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About Author

DJ Sebastian’s professional sales career spans more than twenty years as a top-performing sales executive. His sales efforts focused on selling high-dollar, high-value, cutting-edge technology solutions that delivered substantial value to customers.

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The Selling Revolution equips you with the strategies needed to build strong, long-lasting customer relationships. The Selling Revolution helps you create a compelling business value proposition that uniquely positions you as the preferred solution provider. The Selling Revolution enables you to win more business and…
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