Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 Unlocking the Power of a Growth Mindset
Podcast Health & Wellness / PodCast / May 9, 2023 / Posted by Jason Wright / 48

🎧 Unlocking the Power of a Growth Mindset


In this podcast episode, John Golden interviews Jason Wright about mindset and self-improvement. They discuss the difference between growth and fixed mindsets, the challenges of distractions and shortcuts in today’s world, and the importance of looking back on past successes and experiences. Jason shares his experience of transitioning from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset and provides tips on how to develop a growth mindset, such as using the power of the word “yet” and focusing on making everything a game for improvement and learning. They also discuss the negative consequences of having a fixed mindset and the importance of controlling one’s mindset for positive growth and peak performance.

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About Author

Founder multiple companies with successful exits. Acquired first company at 28 when I thought I knew way more than I actually did. Obsessed with self-improvement and helping others reach as near to their full potential as possible Aspiring material minimalist and flow maximalist Creator: Host of the Jason Wright Show Podcast, Author "Push Play", Writer Subscriber based newsletter "The Vitruvian Letter" Author of "The Stone Chiseler" inspired by Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning."

Author's Publications on Amazon

For a decade, Jason Wright taught in the same inner-city primary school in a deprived area of Bradford, West Yorkshire. From the outset, Wright battles socially-deprived children, unruly parents, strange headteachers and never-ending piles of paperwork. Life in the School Lane is a true account…
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This book will get you off-center. It’s about gearing up and taking the leap of faith to pursue any dream you may have tucked away in your soul. It's your chance to paint your own picture of what the rest of your life would look…
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What happens when life puts us in the most seemingly unjust and miserable circumstances? Is there purpose there? If so, what could it possibly be? In this parable about determining one's identity in the mind and not from the whims of the outside world we…
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