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🎧 Social Media
Podcast Social Selling / PodCast / Sep 7, 2019 / Posted by Eve Mayer / 2881

🎧 Social Media


Host John Golden sits down with Social Media expert Eve Mayer to discuss how companies should focus their social media on their specific business goals and why it is important for those managing social media platforms to understand these goals. Eve also gives us insight on the topic of company culture and the necessity of core values within a company.

This podcast is also a recorded live event you are welcome to view here: Today’s Social Media

iTunes Podcast 

About Author

Eve is the Host of the CMO GO Show and CMO of Splash Media. Recognized by Forbes as 5th most Influential Woman in Social Media and 14th Most Influential Person in Social Media. CNN named her the 8 Women to follow on Twitter and Inc. Magazine said she’s the 21 social media marketers to follow.

Author's Publications on Amazon

Can social media help grow your business? Yes! The Social Media Equation, a proven strategy for approaching social media content and implementation, in this book will unlock exponential growth within your organization. Social Media for the CEO also includes 14 case studies of both small…
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Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube™ have changed the way consumers communicate today and businesses today must be a part of this social phenomenon or risk losing significant marketing opportunities. THE SOCIAL MEDIA BUSINESS EQUATION: USING ONLINE CONNECTIONS TO GROW YOUR BOTTOM LINE clearly demonstrates how…
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About Author

Eve is the Host of the CMO GO Show and CMO of Splash Media. Recognized by Forbes as 5th most Influential Woman in Social Media and 14th Most Influential Person in Social Media. CNN named her the 8 Women to follow on Twitter and Inc. Magazine said she’s the 21 social media marketers to follow.

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