Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 Scaling a Business: Lessons from T. Hanley’s Success
Podcast Leadership / PodCast / Apr 25, 2023 / Posted by Kelley Thornton / 44

🎧 Scaling a Business: Lessons from T. Hanley’s Success


In this podcast episode, John Golden from Sales Pop Online Sales Magazine and Pipeliners CRM interviews Kelley Thornton, founder of T. Hanley, an e-commerce company focused on helping men look and feel amazing. Kelley shares how he scaled his business to eight figures in just two years by finding a unique niche, building strategic partnerships, and continuously adapting to meet the needs of their customers. Kelley also discusses the challenges they faced as the business started to take off and how they managed to expand their product range without cannibalizing their core business. Kelley emphasizes the importance of staying focused, prioritizing, and persevering for entrepreneurs looking to scale their businesses.

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About Author

In 2016 he stepped away to found his next company, Tiege Hanley, a 6-year-old e-commerce company with the mission of helping men look and feel amazing. The business has evolved from selling three distinct Skin Care Systems to boasting a wide variety of products, including deodorant, bar soap, body wash, and a detoxifying clay mask. Tiege shipped its 1.5 millionth box in July 2022 and has over 350,000 customers worldwide. Kelley is focused on enriching the experience for all customers and guiding men to healthier lifestyles founded on self-confidence.


About Author

In 2016 he stepped away to found his next company, Tiege Hanley, a 6-year-old e-commerce company with the mission of helping men look and feel amazing. The business has evolved from selling three distinct Skin Care Systems to boasting a wide variety of products, including deodorant, bar soap, body wash, and a detoxifying clay mask. Tiege shipped its 1.5 millionth box in July 2022 and has over 350,000 customers worldwide. Kelley is focused on enriching the experience for all customers and guiding men to healthier lifestyles founded on self-confidence.

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