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🎧 Pivoting Your Passion Into Your Profession
Podcast Leadership / PodCast / Apr 23, 2022 / Posted by Ravi Hutheesing / 208

🎧 Pivoting Your Passion Into Your Profession


It is better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be prepared. In this Expert Insight Interview, we welcome Ravi Hutheesing, singer-songwriter and cultural diplomat serving the US Department of State.

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About Author

Ravi empowers education and business leaders to pivot for success in multi-cultural and multi-generational environments. Born into a lineage of prime ministers and raised by a family of Wall Street bankers, his journey as a rock star, aviator, and cultural diplomat for the US Dept. of State is an inspiring example of how to stay relevant while uniting the world.

Author's Publications on Amazon

'Pivot' reveals how school administrators, teachers, counselors, parents, and students can maximize their roles ... because educating the "whole child" is about much more than just going to school.
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