Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 Lay an Egg and Make Chicken Soup
Podcast Sales Leadership / PodCast / Jan 29, 2020 / Posted by Arie Brish / 2090

🎧 Lay an Egg and Make Chicken Soup


The world is full of bright, wise entrepreneurs, with many unique and innovative ideas. However, many of these innovative ideas never come to fruition, because these entrepreneurs don’t have the experience to execute their ideas. They don’t know what to watch out for, what the risks are, or the potential blind spots, and as a result, they fail to launch on the innovation. Much of the literature on innovative business ideas are focused on the process of creating innovation or generating money for their venture. This is fine and good, but there is very little literature on how to execute the new idea once you’ve come up with it and generated the funding. This is to the detriment of many entrepreneurs who ultimately end up failing because they focus on the innovation and not the execution. Arie Brish has set out to change this with his newest book, Lay an Egg and Make Chicken Soup. Interviewed by John Golden, Brish discusses how to capitalize on innovative ideas and work them into existence.

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About Author

Arie Brish serves his global clients as a ground-breaker in growth strategies, commercialization of new paradigms, change leadership and turn-around.

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Arie Brish spent more than thirty years contributing to global innovations in diverse industries in a variety of executive roles, including general manager and CEO, as well as board of director and advisory roles. He has participated in different aspects of the development of hundreds…
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About Author

Arie Brish serves his global clients as a ground-breaker in growth strategies, commercialization of new paradigms, change leadership and turn-around.

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