Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧   How to Become a Leader Who Encourages Fearless Participation
Podcast Sales Leadership / PodCast / Mar 13, 2021 / Posted by Mary Jane Mapes / 1074

🎧 How to Become a Leader Who Encourages Fearless Participation


A good leader relates well with the people and inspires them to perform better in their work. Thus, today’s guest in the Expert Insight Interview is Mary Jane Mapes, and she discusses how leaders can inspire fearless participation within their organizations.

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About Author

Mary Jane Mapes, Leadership Speaker & Executive Coach. MA, CSP, is an award-winning communication and leadership expert. She believes success takes root to grow and prosper when people ignite greatness, first within themselves and then within others—all leading to a world-class culture.

Author's Publications on Amazon

Mary Jane Mapes, BS, MA, CSP, is the author of three books, including The Unstoppables: Success Strategies from 12 Top Women Leaders to Supercharge Your Career; the Amazon bestseller, You CAN Teach a Pig to Sing – Create Great Relationships...with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere, and The…
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In my five years of interviewing the twelve powerful women leaders profiled in this book, I could clearly detect the personal power each developed through the decisions and choices she made at critical times in her life. Though each leader took a unique path, similarities…
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Do you have a PIG in your life? Do you live or work with a Particularly Irritating Guy or Gal or a Painfully Intolerable Griper? PIGs can be found anywhere, anytime, in any venue, and if you have one (or more) in your life, this…
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About Author

Mary Jane Mapes, Leadership Speaker & Executive Coach. MA, CSP, is an award-winning communication and leadership expert. She believes success takes root to grow and prosper when people ignite greatness, first within themselves and then within others—all leading to a world-class culture.

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