Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 How Do You Thrive In Chaos
Podcast Sales Performance / PodCast / Mar 13, 2020 / Posted by Dennis Brouwer / 1231

🎧 How Do You Thrive In Chaos


Constant and dramatic changes are becoming a regular thing in the business world, and many people don’t know how to respond or cope with this kind of chaos. It causes a lot of stress when you think about how the chaos continues to grow exponentially. Just coping with things isn’t a long term strategy, though. You have to understand how to thrive in chaos or it’s going to drag you down and be a detriment to your career. Dennis Brouwer, interviewed by John Golden, explores how to thrive in chaos.

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About Author

Dennis Brouwer will teach you the secret techniques used by elite military, medical and startup teams that will help you prepare for the future, anticipate what could go wrong, and develop dynamic cultures that thrive in the face of adversity

Author's Publications on Amazon

When everyone has access to the same technology, skills, and markets, how do you compete? New research shows that creative leadership, centered on vision, engagement, and execution is key. In case studies ranging from elite military units to Internet services, Dennis Brouwer shows how it…
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About Author

Dennis Brouwer will teach you the secret techniques used by elite military, medical and startup teams that will help you prepare for the future, anticipate what could go wrong, and develop dynamic cultures that thrive in the face of adversity

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