Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 Entrepreneur’s Guide to Building an Unstoppable Team
Podcast Sales Leadership / PodCast / Feb 17, 2020 / Posted by Kelly Roach / 1623

🎧 Entrepreneur’s Guide to Building an Unstoppable Team


Overcoming Obstacles of Team Building

Building a work team today is perceived as more difficult than ever due to intergenerational issues, among other things. Kelly Roach, a business growth strategist who helps entrepreneurs and business owners start and scale their businesses, discusses the challenges that entrepreneurs building a team run into. She also explains how culture is so important in many aspects of the business and how it goes much deeper than a mission statement slapped on a wall.

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About Author

Kelly Roach Coaching provides training, coaching, and consulting to business owners and leaders looking to improve team performance, develop leadership strengths, and increase the growth and revenue of their organization.

Author's Publications on Amazon

This book breaks down each of the simple steps and proven strategies to take your team from 0 to hero and is relevant for business owners at any age or stage that want to improve the profitability and performance of their team.
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"Unstoppable" takes the most valuable lessons and top commonalities on how to succeed and lays out the 9 principles for unlimited success… in both business, and in life. Proven by author Kelly Roach’s award-winning career in corporate and as an entrepreneur, "Unstoppable" is set to…
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About Author

Kelly Roach Coaching provides training, coaching, and consulting to business owners and leaders looking to improve team performance, develop leadership strengths, and increase the growth and revenue of their organization.

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