Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 Embracing Leadership
Podcast Sales Leadership / PodCast / Feb 12, 2020 / Posted by Tom Flick / 1638

🎧 Embracing Leadership


Embracing Leadership in a Management Dominated World

Leadership and management both have their roles in the professional world, but people are managed four times more than they are led. Embracing leadership can be challenging for many reasons, and can hinder progress and success in an organization. Tom Flick, interviewed by John Golden, discusses the ways that salespeople and business professionals can truly embrace leadership in a world where management is more prominent.

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About Author

Mr. Flick addresses more than 100,000 men and women each year and has garnered a reputation around the world as an authority on leadership, helping organizations develop leaders, lead change effectively and increase teamwork and organizational performance.

Author's Publications on Amazon

Getting Yourself and Others to the Go-Side of Life - Seminars On Demand Business and Leadership Training Video - Speaker Tom Flick - Includes Streaming Video Streaming Audio + MP3 Audio - Works on All Devices
Buy on Amazon

About Author

Mr. Flick addresses more than 100,000 men and women each year and has garnered a reputation around the world as an authority on leadership, helping organizations develop leaders, lead change effectively and increase teamwork and organizational performance.

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