Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 Edgy Conversations
Podcast / PodCast / Nov 21, 2019 / Posted by Dan Waldschmidt / 2273

🎧 Edgy Conversations


Dan Waldschmidt is a world-leading business strategist, popular speaker, author and ultra-runner who refuses to accept business as usual, and who has been a salesperson his whole life. In this intense interview with John Golden, Dan discusses his book Edgy Conversations. The point of the book: Why is it that some people achieve greatness and others do not? You will not want to miss this interview.

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About Author

Dan has been refusing to accept business as usual. A CEO at 25, and today is a business strategist, a popular speaker and an ultra-runner. Wall Street Journal calls his blog, Edgy Conversations, Top 7 sales blogs on the internet. He’s been profiled in Business Week, Inc. Magazine, Business Insider.

Author's Publications on Amazon

"Everything you think you know about success is wrong! Set Goals. Work Hard. Be Persistent. That's the typical success advice you can probably repeat in your sleep. The type of advice that doesn't seem to work for you -- or anyone you know, for that…
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