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🎧  Developing Great Leaders
Podcast Leadership / PodCast / Jan 10, 2021 / Posted by Neil Thubron / 982

🎧 Developing Great Leaders


Everybody wants to be a great leader, but what are the characteristics one must possess to be a great leader? Our today’s guest in Expert Insight Interview is Neil Thubron, and he discusses things that make great leaders great indeed.

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About Author

Neil Thubron has over 25 years of regularly taken on ‘big goals’ – things that felt like a huge stretch at the time, but which have enabled him to grow and develop in all areas of life. He has conquered many physical challenges that most people would term ‘extreme’, including multi-day non-stop Army events, more than 30 marathons.

Author's Publications on Amazon

If you have a Big Goal you always wanted to achieve, or a dream that you want to turn into a Big Goal, the '7P Formula' will enable you to achieve it.
Buy on Amazon

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