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TV Expert Interviews / Motivational / Jan 3, 2021 / Posted by Dave Sanderson / 1950

Surviving The Most Famous Aviation Incident in History (video)


In this Expert Insight Interview, Dave Sanderson discusses life lessons, perspective, and surviving one of the most famous aviation incidents in history. Dave Sanderson is an author, motivational speaker, and CEO of Dave Sanderson Speaks International. He was one of the last passengers of the plane that crashed into the Hudson River, in an event known as the “Miracle of the Hudson.”

This Expert Insight Interview discusses:

  • The positive side of traumatic and otherwise monumental events
  • The role of mentor figures in our lives
  • Attaining perspective despite the overwhelming nature of the world

Mentor Figures and Traumatic Events

Upon surviving the unimaginably traumatic event that was the most successful plane ditching in history, Dave’s initial reaction was one of gratitude. He also felt overwhelmed by the situation and the media attention surrounding it, finding it particularly difficult to juggle reconcile his everyday activities with this newfound fame. Ultimately, Dave says, he felt blessed to be alive.
People come into our lives with a reason. Lots of people just don’t see the things going on around them, and we tend to miss the lessons given to us by the people in our lives, such as our parents or friends. Sometimes it takes a mentor-figure to reveal the lessons in a way that makes them not only palatable but also understandable.
There’s a lot of inherited wisdom that we possess, but don’t necessarily recognize. We tend to ignore this wisdom until it is knocked into the forefront of our minds by a traumatic, or otherwise monumental, occasion in our lives.

Importance of Perspective

It is sometimes necessary to step out of the moment and look at it in broader terms in order to understand what lesson the moment is teaching you and how you should react to it. We have a habit of being consumed by the feeling that nothing is going our way, which puts us into an overly introspective state of mind.

Thanks in part to social media, we live in a world where perspective is skewed and we lose it quite easily. Therefore, it is very easy for us to focus on feeling inadequate instead of looking for blessings. The reality for a lot of us is that, compared to the rest of the world, we live very full and rich lives that we probably don’t appreciate.

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist, he has conducted over 1500 video interviews of thought leaders for Sales POP! online sales magazine & YouTube Channel and for audio podcast channels where Sales POP! is rated in the top 2% of most popular shows out of 3,320,580 podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

About Author

Dave Sanderson is the President of Dave Sanderson Speaks. On January 15, 2009, Dave was one of the last passengers off the plane that crashed into the Hudson River, best known as The Miracle on the Hudson, considered to be the most successful ditching in aviation history.

Author's Publications on Amazon

You will discover the habits of some of today’s most influential people, and how you can integrate those into your own life and make them part of your habits to happiness and success. This book can help you create habits that will allow you to…
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"Brace for impact." Three simple words that proclaimed to all 150 passengers on board US Airways Flight 1549 on that cold, crisp New York afternoon of January 15, 2009, that their plane was about to go down in the icy Hudson River. Three simple words…
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In “God gives you the Lesson when YOU are Ready!” you will discover the timeless lessons of success in a way that will make you reflect on all the people who had come into your life and taught you things when you needed that lesson.
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'Moments Matter' offers a firsthand account of surviving a plane crash as well as lessons from his 30+ year career as a successful sales manager and behind-the-scenes stories as head of security for peak performance coach and world-renowned speaker Anthony Robbins.
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