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TV Expert Interviews / Motivational / Aug 4, 2020 / Posted by Mabel Katz / 2601

Easiest Way to Find Peace, Happiness, and Abundance (video)


How much control of our lives do we actually have? In this Expert Insight Interview hosted by John Golden, Mabel Katz discusses the easiest way to find peace, happiness, and abundance.

This interview discusses:

  • Zero Frequency
  • Present Time

Zero Frequency

Zero frequency means to be at peace no matter what is going on around you. The key is accountability. However, people need to stop taking other people accountable and to start taking themselves accountable for what is happening to them. Everything people need is already inside them, they just need to find a way to find their inner happiness. Real happiness does not come from money or a big house, it comes from the inside. We are creators of our own destiny, so we have to take control and make a change in our lives. Based on ho’oponopono, traditional Hawaiian art of problem-solving, everything is memorized in our subconscious mind. If we imagine that life is a monitor, we have control of that monitor. We are the ones who choose to talk to someone over the monitor, or simply to delete something from the monitor. For example, forgiving and simply letting go of someone or something helps us to stop living in the past. In Japan, they say that business success comes from spirituality. The important thing is to trust the process and to reorient the subconscious mind from fear and anxiety to the place where worry does not exist.

Present Time

Around 78 percent of our daily talk is negative. Thus, we need to set our mind to more positive thinking and good things will come to us. Depression means that people did not let go of the past. Worry means that people stress for the future. The truth is, the only thing we have is this moment right now, and this moment can change our lives forever. We live in a very comparison driven world. People are constantly trying to show their lives on social media as perfect even though that is far away from how they feel inside. It is important to leave all that pressure behind us and to do what is good for ourselves. We need to really love and accept ourselves. Sometimes, in order to make changes in their lives, people have to let go of some people and influences that create negativity in their lives. This is usually a hard thing for people to do. But, staying in a bad relationship because it used to be good, or because it might become better in the future is never a solution. We have to remember that we live in a present, and we have to learn to own the present moment. The way how we perceive ourselves – that same way the universe will support us. In conclusion, we need to learn to love ourselves, trust ourselves, and be ourselves.

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist, he has conducted over 1500 video interviews of thought leaders for Sales POP! online sales magazine & YouTube Channel and for audio podcast channels where Sales POP! is rated in the top 2% of most popular shows out of 3,320,580 podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

About Author

Dame Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living as well as working more effectively. She has crafted a series of keynotes, talks, and seminars for corporations, businesses, and individuals – including seminars for children. 

Author's Publications on Amazon

"In this book, I share my experiences through practical stories and topics that concern and affect us all. I also illustrate the incredible way Ho’oponopono has definitely turned out to be the easiest and most efficient path for me."
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In "The Easiest Way to Live", you will find the keys to becoming your true self, being in harmony with life, and pure in heart, which is a state of essential clarity.
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"In The Easiest Way, Mabel Katz tells her story about rediscovering her Identity and freedom through applying Self Identity through Ho'oponopono in all areas of her life. All who read her book will find gems of wisdom that will allow them to discover for themselves…
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Discover all the answers to life’s problems. Reclaim your life and rediscover your joyous self. This is the heart and soul of "Zero Frequency".
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