American retail tends to attract a lot of flak on an international level. Perceived as excessive or wasteful, it is seemingly often expected to be very apologetic about its existence and success — because make no mistake, it is very successful. And while the retail industry as a whole is going through some major changes ...
In the last article in this series, Nikolaus Kimla covered the history of integration between applications, and the serious programming and IT effort it has required. Now, in a major technological evolution, all that is changing. Because technology is moving forward at such a frantic pace, and because there are so many people working within ...
Ever hear of Nir Eyal? (Most people haven’t.) He wrote the book, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products. You know who has heard of him? Almost everyone at every technology, gaming, and social media company trying to get you addicted to their products. They do it well. Two decades ago when I started working, I ...
Is the salesperson you rely on to meet your goals (perhaps it’s you!) maniacally methodical? After running a company for almost 20 years whose primary focus is to get our clients in the door with their important prospects (Door Opener® Service), that’s what we’ve learned it takes to be most successful. Can you be successful ...
A GDPR Email You Won’t Put in the Trash Folder We’ve all been getting a bunch of messages from the companies we do business with alerting us to the new privacy policy they’ve implemented as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation that goes into effect across the European Union on May 25. The ...
Everyone knows that there have been unbelievable innovations in the last couple hundred years. There have, in fact, been 3 industrial revolutions—and we’re now right on the cusp of the 4th industrial revolution. The 4th industrial revolution will mean internet-enabled smart devices seamlessly interfacing with each other and humans; data analysis and virtual models making ...
Meet Deb Calvert: Deb Calvert is September’s Contributor Spotlight! Each month, SalesPOP! interviews one of our top contributors, giving readers a peek into the mind of experts in the sales industry. Calvert has had a long relationship with SalesPOP!, sharing her insights as one of Treeline’s “65 Most Influential Women in Business” and a professor ...
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