The sales function is ubiquitous in organizations today; every business has one and most not-for-profits do as well (although it may have a different name, such as “donor development” for example). Sales is supposed to sell stuff with the assumption that if they perform this task effectively and consistently, revenue and economic health for the ...
If I had a dime for every business leader who says, “When we are in front of the right prospects we close sales most the time, we just need to get in front of more prospects!” I would be a VERY wealthy woman. Why hold off making changes or trying something new that will set ...
In this series on building sales character, we have been following a proverb that I believe comes from ancient Jewish tradition (Mishnah): Watch your thoughts, because they become words. Watch your words, because they become actions. Watch your actions, because they become habits. Watch your habits, because they become your character. Watch your character, because ...
The comparison of clientele and a beautiful garden came to mind as I was in conversation with a friend. Jane asked the question, “How do you handle difficult prospective and current clients?” She admitted it is difficult to be in the presence of some. My response was, Remove the weeds to make room for the ...
Content may have been king once, but now, it’s videos that rule. Building a brand in the digital era is all about visual storytelling and videos can meet the challenges head-on. For B2B marketers, video remains more powerful than any other medium or channel. Shootsta disrupts the traditional agency video production industry by offering a ...
In the first blog in this series on building sales character, I introduced a proverb that I believe comes from ancient Jewish tradition (Mishnah): Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. Watch your ...
Some say that an institution can kill inspiration. Not true. Institutions don’t kill anything; people do. That said, every leader wants to grow their company; it is THE imperative of their strategic game plan and is the essence of sales. The founder of a startup has a vision that they can only realize when a ...
When it comes to achieving our larger goals, our biggest obstacle can sometimes be the impetus to begin. Often, it’s the sheer size of these goals that does us in. What we really need to do is to find a way to shift our focus, and I’ll show you how to do just that when ...
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