I wrote an article on why closing usually isn’t the real problem for salespeople – even for those who fail to hit their numbers. It generated lots of discussion with more than 5,000 reads and I discussed the misplaced emphasis on closing with Anthony Iannarino, creator of The Sales Blog and author of the book, ...
In this series on building sales character, we have been following a proverb that I believe comes from ancient Jewish tradition (Mishnah): Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. Watch your character, for ...
There are few, if any, careers that are as versatile, portable and dynamic as sales. I use the word career intentionally because, despite the overwhelming numbers of people who end up in sales, too few of them see it initially as a career option. Most simply default into it and thereafter kind of settle for ...
Did you know that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual? It makes sense when you consider that the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. This is precisely why we built Pipeliner CRM to be the most visual CRM available on the market. In Sales, time is always of the ...
What are they really afraid of — your truth or their truth? It’s definitely a combination of both: what they see you doing in the market and what they observe when they examine their own plans and strategies.
I often ask senior executives what they think the biggest weakness is within their sales team. A common answer is that their salespeople need to get better at closing. But here is the thing I’ve learned from three decades in the trenches… The perceived problem is rarely the real problem – inability to close is ...
Nobody wakes up one morning and automatically gets placed in a leadership role. Why? Because being a leader takes dedication, time and hard work. As a leader, the success of those around you depends on you. So what qualities should you look for in a good sales leader? Is it someone that is consistently able ...
In this series on building sales character, we have been following a proverb that I believe comes from ancient Jewish tradition (Mishnah): Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. Watch your character, for ...
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