If you are a professional seller like me (i.e. an individual sales contributor, sales manager, Chief Sales Officer), then you’ve noticed that your job has changed in a significant way over the last few years. I know that it has changed for me, and the changes are largely driven by the fact that there’s a ...
If you have been a professional salesperson for at least a decade, congratulations you’ve been a witness to history in the making! The sales profession is experiencing the biggest shift since the invention of the phone. The sales model that we used to rely and trust is changing before our very eyes. Sales is arguably ...
Jill Konrath recently published a new book, AGILE SELLING: GET UP TO SPEED QUICKLY IN TODAY’S EVER-CHANGING SALES WORLD. I decided to take a closer look after a conversation during which the person I was talking with said Jill’s first book, SNAP Selling, was life-changing. A Book for Sales Culture — Now We’re in the ...
“I approve this project. Let’s get started!”A buying decision. Unambiguous! Timely! Resolute! What’s not to love? How about this: “We’ve decided to delay any projects involving outsourced software development for another year.” A little messier. Without knowing the inside story, many salespeople competing for this work would chalk this up as a lost opportunity, and ...
Today we are pleased to let you know that we have a terrific new ebook available in our (also new) Sales Reference Library. The author is our CEO, Nikolaus Kimla, and the new ebook is entitled, Evolution in Progress: How the Entrepreneur Is Changing the World. The book had its genesis in Kimla’s belief that entrepreneurs ...
Here at Pipeliner we are seeking to answer the most profound and important questions being asked about sales, sales management and CRM solutions. But sometimes very late at night (or way early the following morning) other significant questions creep into our thoughts—and a recent one was: Would Spock make a good salesperson or sales manager? ...
By now, you know my obsession with strong Selling Processes. It’s important, but misunderstood aspect of sales effectiveness. One of the things I’ve discovered as a result of my diatribes, is many sales managers really don’t know how to reinforce the sales process in their coaching and development of their sales teams. I’ve gotten a ...
Harder Than It Looks Selling is the process of exchanging something of value (a product or service) for something else of equal value (money). Sounds pretty easy, right? I have something I have created, I want to give it to you for the money in your pocket, and you have agreed you need it so ...
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