When it comes to CRM, why does visualization matter? Is it just because visualization makes things “look cool”? Or are there deeper reasons? The Old Way: A Spreadsheet on Steroids Let’s take a look at what our CRM solutions have looked like for the past 20-some years. While they’ve become enormously complex—evolving from mere contact ...
Don’t be weighed down by an inaccurate sales forecast. There is a better way. The Problem with Probability Probability is the measure of the likeliness that an event will occur. It’s very common for sales leaders to use probability to measure the likeliness that revenue will occur. It’s an easy, but highly inaccurate method of ...
Recently I came across a very interesting bit of research. It proved something that we all suspected. And it also revealed something new and important. The research was about the impact of using big words. In The Language of Success, I make the point that you can dramatically improve the clarity of your writing if ...
What type of relationship do you want with your customers? How do you want them to perceive you? Are you typically relegated to those who manage projects or do you get regular meetings in the C-suite? Much of this depends on the types of conversations you are having with your customers and can be a ...
Years from now, will salespeople have been driven into extinction, victims from over-predation by cost-cutting CFO’s and empowered buyers? Will anyone remember the once-glorious meaning of Individual Contributor? Will the selling profession be able to extract itself from the festering primordial swamp that sustains negative sales stereotypes? Well, the siren has sounded. In 2012, Gerhard ...
Using What You”ve Done — to Get Where You Want to Go Well here we are again, a new year. Every year at this time, just like, you, I start thinking about the upcoming year ahead and putting together my strategic plan. For years, my process began with a little education, I would pull out ...
Sales Managers as Agents of Change Editor’s Note: Today we are posting Chapter 2 of a 10-chapter book, authored by our CSO, John Golden and Matt McDarby, President of United Sales Resources. John and Matt have collaborated before and have joined forces with this book to provide expertise to help our readers — particularly Sales ...
Traditionally, the sales call for prospects was to reach, qualify, and then pitch — by phone or in person. This worked well, because the buyer had one resource — you, the salesperson — to provide vital information on your company’s products and solutions. Today, that sales call has changed. To be effective today requires a whole ...
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