You can poll virtually any salesperson, especially one who has worked in B2B sales. If you ask them about CRM, you’ll get an almost unanimous response: “It sucks!” Why is that? A Walk In Their Shoes Put yourself in a salesperson’s shoes. You have a traits and skills that many others don’t have. You can ...
Using Social Profiles as a Branding Opportunity Editor’s Note: Today we are posting Chapter 3 of a 10-chapter book, authored by our CSO, John Golden and Matt McDarby, President of United Sales Resources. John and Matt have collaborated before and have joined forces with this book to provide expertise to help our readers — particularly ...
The sales herd is crowded with salespeople all trying to practice similar sales techniques and apply similar tools. Some are more competent than others and gain a temporary advantage. I agree that it’s important that you do whatever you can to improve your sales “efficiency.” But it’s not enough. Great salespeople are much more than ...
None of us likes this time of year–the letdown from the holidays, the dreary weather, the short, dark days and the long, unfunny award shows. And then, of course, there are taxes. If you’re a business owner you’re already thinking about this year’s tax season. Your returns are likely due on March 15. You’re closing ...
Editor’s Note: At the end of this post is Chad’s accompanying video. I think you will find is interesting to compare the impact of Chad’s points as he tailors his content and style to another medium. Remember when you used to fax people for meetings? Neither do I. But we still call. And email. And ...
I came across some interesting questions in a Teacher’s Guide to the Penguin Edition of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman – that timeless portrayal of the common man as a tragic figure. The questions that the teachers are encouraged to ask of their students before they begin studying the play are: What is your definition of ...
A quick overview of the Pipeliner CRM Targets: The Pipeliner CRM Weighted Target The Weighted Target is the sum of opportunities’ values according to their sales step position (its percentage of probability). For example, I have a deal worth $100,000 at my Value Proposition stage with a win rate of 60%. This would be viewed ...
We have all heard that Sales is in the middle of a huge transformation, focused on buyers, their concerns, their worries, and their patterns. There are many evolving theories and approaches, some of which will bear the test of time and others which will fall by the wayside. While all of this new construction is ...
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