It’s Primary time, when we all have to sift through lots of candidate pitches to figure out which one best addresses the themes and issues that we individually careabout. Yes – it’s all about messaging. Every candidate has a choice to make on how that message is crafted and what their value proposition should say. ...
Is getting it right the first time REALLY a critical success factor? I know we’ve been taught to complete a task or project error free and deliver the results that were intended at the outset. Most of the teaching time is spent on trying to “perfect imperfection” rather than on what to do if it doesn’t ...
We are well into Q1 of a new calendar year and, if you’re in sales, that often means a slight feeling of angst as you look out to the rest of the year and wonder if you’ll achieve your sales goals. No doubt, you did your best to finish 2015 on a high, and now ...
There is nothing worse than getting a sales call from someone who hasn’t done their homework and is stumbling over themselves to quickly figure out a.) who you are and b.) how they can build a connection in 15 seconds. No one wants to be on either side of these awkward calls. Regardless of how ...
There is a compelling amount of evidence that has confirmed that the verbal and nonverbal behaviors salespeople deploy when selling shape how prospects perceive them, the company they represent and the product or service they sell. In spite of its importance, nonverbal communication is one of the most neglected components of successful selling. This disregard ...
In the traditional days of commerce, sales and marketing were two separate departments with separate objectives. The marketing department was responsible for gathering intelligence, creating products, and generating brand awareness through advertising & public relations. On the other hand, the sales department was solely responsible for lead generation, converting prospects to customers, and managing existing ...
It’s no secret that if you want to build something that can grow and last, you need a solid foundation. What you do before breakfast is the foundation for your entire day. And your day is the foundation for your week. And the week is the foundation for your month. You get the point. Each day matters ...
A wise woman (Jill Konrath) once said, “Nobody cares about your product, service or solution. All they care about is the difference you can make for their organization.” Now that is what I’m talking about! Yet, I am baffled why so many sales reps and sales managers still sell the hard way. Often, it’s because ...
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