In sales—especially in today’s ultra-competitive digital age—data accuracy is everything. On the plus side, just remember a time when a salesperson reached out to you, and you realized (perhaps with somewhat of a shock) that this person really understood you and your issues. On the negative side, just remember the last email you received, from ...
Salespeople are masters when it comes to words and so are authors. Though the two might seem miles apart in their industries, there’s plenty that sales reps can learn from authors – from saying more with less to being able to edit their work to achieve the best end result. Say more with less to ...
Imagine if you approached every cold call or sales conversation with a buyer as if they were a grandma - Guess what? Our buyers and clients deserve this. Read and see if you agree.
Organizations take products too seriously and sales are expected to flog them. They think products convey value and stress features, cool technology and price as the reasons why people should buy. The product-centric strategy is flawed Products don’t make companies or sales organizations great. In a marketplace where benchmarking and best practices are relied on ...
There are always two sides to a story, and today’s is about the worthiness of micromarketing. Some say it is a complete waste of time to make room for extra niceties while others applaud the effort. In the competitive sales environment, I found most salespeople focused only on the quick hit sales to ensure making ...
A million-dollar, one-person business is otherwise known as a micro-business that has one to nine employees. The number of these businesses has grown by 50%. They’re up from 3.5 million in 2000 to 5 million. This growth is remarkable in comparison to the decrease or fall of other types of businesses during this time. Many ...
Stop celebrating continuances. Your sales process has specific steps to progress from opening to closing the sale. There is no step in that process where sellers sit on the sidelines. So why do sellers breathe a sigh of relief or rejoice when they get a continuance? The dictionary definition of continuance is “an act of ...
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