Are you planning to rent out your property? To generate tenant interest, it is essential that you curate an effective marketing strategy to market your property which will allow you to generate consistent income and make the most of your investment. Check out Saint Investment Group for more information. If you’re unsure how to market your property, ...
In the world of sales, you have a choice to either follow the path of the Sales Dog or the Sales Wolf. The Sales Wolf aggressively chases their prospects and will do anything and everything necessary to reach their targets. They may be successful in the short term, but their tactics fall far short when ...
Any entrepreneur who works with overseas sales knows that receiving payments from international customers can be a hassle and a half. In fact, it can be so bad that many would drop the idea of selling internationally altogether. All of that because the revenue gained from this won’t be enough. International money transfer fees are ...
I find it almost unbelievable that I need to say it. But today, nearly 30 years after the first CRM system hit the market, it’s still true, and there seems to be many companies who have not gotten the message: yes, you do need a CRM! This article—and the next 2 in this series—are designed ...
The consumer market has flourished amid the growth of advanced data analytics technology and machine learning. These innovations have opened endless possibilities for information. As these new technologies have found their place in all things data, including marketing, sales, and any other data-driven industry that exists, we have seen a shift in the way businesses ...
Do you plan to retire soon or are you already retired? If so, you probably know retirement comes with many benefits, but it also comes with some challenges. One challenge is a reduction in your income. A reverse mortgage can help you combat that by allowing you to tap into part of the value of ...
Set the clock back over 100 years and you’ll find that companies didn’t care about their brand image for the longest time. If products worked, then consumers bought them. Firms that sold merchandise people didn’t care about either adapted or vanished. Nobody in the world of marketing really focused on the personality they projected. In ...
Can you bet on a trend? Just look at the financial markets over the last week or so. Not long ago Uber was part of the biggest trend happening—but if you owned shares in Uber in the last few days, you’re wringing your hands in exasperation as Uber shares lost 20 to 25 percent of ...
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