It’s been a time of turbulence for us all, a time of great change. Our ability to adjust and be agile in serving our major clients while their very business models have been under stress has been pivotal, to say the least. Think about the key metrics that drive our organizational engines – sales, revenues, ...
The natural human condition is quite negative, and it takes a lot of work and discipline to reshape the way we think of ourselves, others, and the world. Influence and charisma is largely based on positivity, and communicating a positive message about yourself and your values to others. Mary Gardner is a nationally recognized public ...
Many salespeople aim to be strategic in their endeavors, but it’s unlikely that anyone has ever considered strategic humor as a method of growing sales. What is strategic humor? Strategic humor is using humor intentionally for the desired outcome. Many people think that the purpose of humor is entertainment. While this is true, it’s only ...
The Future of Technology…and Walking in the Customer’s Shoes Many companies such as mine are always carefully looking forward toward the next innovations. For CRM and other technological products, where are we going? In one respect we can answer that question positively, without question: all innovations will be in the direction of being able to ...
Supply chains have always been vulnerable to various sources of disruption, like natural disasters and geopolitical conflict. However, the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic is putting an unprecedented strain on supply chains worldwide. It’s also redefining what it means to be truly prepared for sustained challenges to “business as usual.” While there’s no way to ...
Which actions do companies often take for customer retention? Provide outstanding service and products Maintain loyalty programs Engineer high switching costs Design arduous processes for terminating services All of these The correct answer, of course, is e) All of these. People mistakenly assume that retention efforts benefit customers. But as customers who have attempted to ...
The Father of Soft Leadership “Soft leadership can be defined as the process of setting goals; influencing people through persuasion; building strong teams; negotiating them with a win-win attitude; respecting their failures; handholding them; motivating them constantly; aligning their energies and efforts; recognizing and appreciating their contribution in accomplishing organizational goals and objectives with an ...
Right now, salespeople in every industry are being confronted with what is certain to be the most unusual business environment they’ve ever seen. The massive global economic disruptions caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have upended the landscape in ways nobody could have predicted or prepared for. Supply chains have gone haywire, altering long-established sales ...
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