Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
5 Ways to Close the Deal Without Over-Promising

5 Ways to Close the Deal Without Over-Promising

Sales Management / Apr 29, 2018 / Taylor Burke

It would be difficult to imagine a business-related headline more crushing than this one: “Santa Failed.” But that’s exactly what the media was saying about Toys R Us in 2000, when the now defunct retailer failed to deliver on its promise of pre-Christmas delivery to thousands of online customers. The resulting press was devastating and ... Read Post

Building Trust and Rapport

Building Trust and Rapport

Sales Professionals / Apr 28, 2018 / John E. Flannery

“Building Trust and Rapport” was the headline in an invitation I received in the mail for a full day sales seminar being held at a local hotel. The small print listed trust and rapport as a “necessary sales skill,” but it caused me to ponder: is building trust and rapport a learned skill or an ... Read Post

Why Do Empathetic Sales People Win More?

Why Do Empathetic Sales People Win More?

Sales Professionals / Apr 27, 2018 / Colleen Stanley

Empathy is an emotional intelligence skill. Put simply, empathy is the ability to “walk a mile” in someone else’s shoes. It requires paying sharp attention to know what another person thinks or feels. An enormous influence skill, empathy is not often covered in sales books or sales training courses. Why? Because the word just sounds ... Read Post

How Can Sales Be More Ethical?

How Can Sales Be More Ethical?

Sales Management / Apr 23, 2018 / Roy Osing

My eyes glaze over when I read articles on sales ethics. There is a huge volume of content out there on the topic, and there are almost a limitless number of prescriptions on how salespeople can adopt a better moral code — every writer has their own take on the subject. I find that the ... Read Post

Can Sales Ethics Be Taught?

Can Sales Ethics Be Taught?

Sales Management / Apr 22, 2018 / Robert Jolles

I learned a great deal working for Xerox. They certainly taught me how to sell, but the two greatest programs I was involved in had little to do with selling. These two programs taught me the answer to a question that has puzzled many. The question is, can sales ethics be taught, and you’ll find ... Read Post

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