Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
TV Expert Interviews / Improve Sales Skills / Dec 14, 2020 / Posted by Justin Michael / 1775

How to Revolutionize B2B Sales (video)


Let’s embrace the futuristic way of thinking and think of a seller and a cyborg combined into one. In this Expert Insight Interview, Justin Michael discusses how to revolutionize B2B sales. Justin Michael is a Founder of The Salesborgs, sales technologist and consultant, futurist, and author.

The interview discusses:

  • Futuristic approach to B2B sales
  • Innovative email strategy
  • Innovative phone call strategy

The Futuristic View

Everybody wants to be cutting edge, but the majority still use traditional tools while trying to innovate. The secret is to be futuristic, nerdy, and creative in thinking of the most modern things to utilize. This description makes the gaming community a perfect place to position your brand around people who share the idea of a world supported by the magic of technology and who encourage action and experimentation. As a salesperson powered by technology, you can make 200 calls in 45 minutes. Those are two days of work packed in only 45 minutes. Besides, doing cold calling while others are listening and giving you their feedback is a new, experiential way of live sales coaching.

The New Email Strategy

Nowadays, when our inbox is full of the same type of template spams, two realizations can fundamentally change the future of B2B sales. The first realization is that the power of email is not in texts but the visual effects. Our brain processes pictures about 60,000 times faster than reading words. The second realization is that business emails are usually too long. On average, a business email has three paragraphs, and it takes our brain 13 seconds to process it. However, we can read a three sentences email in 3 seconds only. The beauty is in simplicity. Instead of sending long storytelling paragraphs, going straight to the point with hyper short messages brings the opening rate to a high 80 percent.

The New Phone Strategy

The mistake salespeople make during a phone call is being too pushy, forcing a potential client to almost immediately take a defensive position by mentioning the competitor’s product. Instead, take a different approach. After introducing yourself, find out which job position they hold with the company. That way, you shift the power to their end because now they talk about what they are directing. And then, by surprise, ask them how the competitor’s product works for them. By validating that they already have a cooperation with someone else, they will see you as a friend and start talking about it, which will eventually lead to enlisting the negatives, and finally asking about the product you offer. The control is back on your side now. However, do not try to sell your product but offer it as a solution to improve their current one.

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist, he has conducted over 1500 video interviews of thought leaders for Sales POP! online sales magazine & YouTube Channel and for audio podcast channels where Sales POP! is rated in the top 2% of most popular shows out of 3,320,580 podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

About Author

Over the last 20 years as a top producing technologist and consultant, Justin Michael developed word-of-mouth only tactics that made him one of the most sought-after talents globally. Currently serving as a Futurist for Tenbound and Vendor Neutral, he hosts the podcasts Quantum Leap and Beyond Sales Development.

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A mainstream sales book has yet to fully explore the linkages between the law of attraction and effective selling. As it applies to sales, this knowledge was hidden for decades within plain sight in self-help texts like The Secret, Think & Grow Rich, and As…
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Are you ready to take your outbound sales game to the next level? Look no further than the Justin Michael Method 2.0. This advanced outbound system is your ticket to driving unparalleled growth in your sales pipeline.
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Discover a groundbreaking approach to sales prospecting that has transformed the lives and careers of countless sales professionals. Drawing from his extensive experience in the trenches of outbound sales, Justin Michael presents a methodology that not only revolutionizes prospecting, but he also built a thriving…
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