- This will be a live, on-camera event.
- The event will be 90 minutes in duration.
- Expert guests will join a Zoom webinar which will then be broadcast live on YouTube.
- There are 10 expert guests – 9 of whom are live and 1 will be featured by recorded video.
- Each of the 9 live guests will be part of a group of 3 experts and only required to be online for 25 minutes.
- There will be a 5-minute video played during the switch-over from one group of 3 experts to the next.
- Each expert guest will receive a Zoom link in advance of the event.
- Each expert guest will receive two questions in advance of the event.
- The hosts will then ask the questions of the expert during their segment.
- Expert guests are encouraged to reference and build upon the answers of the other experts in their 3 person group if they wish to do so.
- Experts have 4 minutes per question in which to answer so please prepare a comprehensive response in advance (this can be in the form of notes, bullets, or a script – it is up to each expert and there is no requirement to submit answers in advance).
- Answers should be focused on practical insights that help individuals and companies prepare in the best way possible for the recovery.
- The live stream will be recorded and available on YouTube and Sales POP! immediately after the event.
- An undisturbed location to join the event from.
- Excellent bandwidth.
- Webcam and good audio (e.g. microphone, headphones)
Event Link
- This is a link to the event page for those who want to watch the event:
- This allows people to set a reminder about the event on YouTube.
- Please share this link as widely as possible so we generate a big live audience.
- PLEASE NOTE: this is not the link you will use to access the event – that will be your Zoom link which will be sent to you in advance and resent on the day of the event to be on the safe side.
- Event Date: May 26th
- Start Time: 9.00 am Pacific Standard Time
- Group One – 9.00 am to 9.25 am
- Colleen Stanley – Sales Leader
- Simon Hazeldine – Applied Neuroscience Specialist
- Kelly Roach – Entrepreneur
- Video #1 – 9.25 am to 9.30 am
- Group Two – 9.30 am to 9.55 am
- Thomas Druyen – Psychologist
- Jay Brinkmann – Economist
- Robert Pizzini – Military Leader
- Video #2 – 9.55 am to 10.00 am
- Group Three – 10.00 am to 10.25 am
- TShane Johnson – Motivator
- Martin Buehlmann – Spiritual Leader
- Karyn Buxman – Humorist
- CLOSING REMARKS 10.25 am to 10.30am
Location: Global
Contact Information
Claudia Kimla-Stern – Event Organizer –
John Golden – Host –
Nikolaus Kimla – Host –