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Timothy Clark

Tim is founder and CEO of LeaderFactor a global authority in the fields of senior executive development, strategy acceleration, and organizational change. Tim has written more than 150 articles on leadership, change, strategy, human capital, culture, and employee engagement. He is a highly sought-after advisor, coach, and facilitator to CEOs and senior leadership teams. He has worked with leading organizations around the world.

Author's Publications on Amazon

"Epic Change" presents a strategic-level road map, along with tactical level tools, for the every-day needs of leaders who must respond to all types of adaptive challenge to remain competitive. It represents a comprehensive, research-based program for leaders who want to develop the indispensable competency…
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A quick-start resource, "Leadership Bones" will skill and scale you up and prepare you for exemplary service as a leader. The five leadership bones represent the foundation and irreducible minimum on which all good leadership is built. No leader ever graduates from living the bones,…
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This is a book for anyone, no matter where he or she is on the organization chart. Because today employees at all levels are being asked to step up, not only can everyone be a leader, everyone has to be.
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This book is the first practical, hands-on guide that shows how leaders can build psychological safety in their organizations, creating an environment where employees feel included, fully engaged, and encouraged to contribute their best efforts and ideas.
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"The Employee Engagement Mindset" provides practical advice on how any employee can put him or herself on the fast track to true engagement using this six-part model. Simply put, every engaged employee is worth his or her weight in gold. Whether you’re in charge of…
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A call to action for all leaders, this book is a quick and powerful read that will motivate you to reflect on your intent and influence as a leader.
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