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Sally Helgesen

Sally Helgesen, cited in Forbes as the world’s premier expert on women’s leadership, is a best-selling author, speaker and leadership coach. For 30 years her mission has been to help women recognize, articulate and act on their greatest strengths and help organizations build more inclusive cultures.

Author's Publications on Amazon

Ready to take the next step in your career . . . but not sure what's holding you back? Read on. Leadership expert Sally Helgesen and bestselling leadership coach Marshall Goldsmith have trained thousands of high achievers--men and women--to reach even greater heights. Again and…
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Sally Helgesen discovered that men and women approach work in fundamentally different ways. Many of these differences hold distinct advantages for women, who excel at running organizations that foster creativity, cooperation, and intuitive decision-making power, necessities for companies of the twenty-first century. She presents her…
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Women often see the world from a different angle than men. But this fact has been overlooked in most organizations. In this brilliant and strongly argued new book, Sally Helgesen and Julie Johnson demonstrate why “the female vision”—what women notice, what they value, how they…
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