Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Randy Conley

Randy Conley is Vice President and Trust Practice Leader for Blanchard®. He is a co-author of Blanchard’s Building Trust training program and works with leaders and organizations around the globe helping them build and restore trust in the workplace.

Randy co-authored the book, Simple Truths of Leadership: 52 Ways to Be a Servant Leader and Build Trust, and is a contributing author to three other books, including Leading at a Higher Level with Ken Blanchard. His award-winning Leading with Trust blog has influenced 4 million viewers and counting.

Author's Publications on Amazon

Great organizations don’t happen by accident! For 35+ years, Dr. Ken Blanchard and his colleagues have helped thousands of leaders and organizations evolve from good to great -- becoming the providers, employers, and investments of choice in their respective industries.
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Leadership legend Ken Blanchard teams up with Randy Conley to share the most essential lessons on servant leadership and building trust from the heart of his leadership model.
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