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Megan Reitz

Megan is Professor of Leadership and Dialogue at Ashridge Executive Education, Hult Business School and Founder of Reitz Consulting. She is listed on the Thinkers50 radar of global management thinkers. and HR Magazine Most Influential Listing.

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In politics, business and society, 'better' leadership and dialogue are seen as antidotes to the paradoxical issues of the modern world. This book illustrates how the compulsion for 'busyness', the assumptions about who leaders are and the adherence to implicitly-held cultural norms threaten the possibility…
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IT TAKES JUST TEN MINUTES a day train your mind – you will feel more awake, more alive and more creative. Using these carefully researched exercises you can increase your attention span, realize your potential and use your mind to its full capacity. Yes, just…
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What you say or don’t say in a conversation can have life-defining consequences on ourselves and those around us. Speak Up helps you to navigate power differences so you can speak up with confidence and enable others to find their voice in a way that…
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