Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Ian Mills

Ian is the CEO of Transform Performance International, and an author. He is a leading light in consulting globally successful performance improvement in over 60 countries working with companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Deloitte and Maersk.

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This inspirational book, in full color throughout, is intended to help anyone make sense of the things that happen to you in your working and personal lives. It will help you travel with a different point of view and do things differently. In particular, it…
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This book is for any business manager or executive, or indeed anyone involved in leading a team in their company, who wants to learn the secrets of successful leadership.
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What makes a great salesperson? What beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors are linked to being a top-performing salesperson? What impact does culture, industry, and sales context have? And does a formal sales methodology or process make a difference? This book is for any sales professional, or…
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