Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Ian Altman

Ian Altman is the author of two Amazon bestselling books: Upside Down Selling and Same Side Selling. He is the CEO of Grow My Revenue, LLC. As a strategic advisor and speaker on sales and business development, Ian works with CEOs and executives around the world.

Author's Publications on Amazon

#1 Amazon Best Seller in Kindle, Upside-Down Selling takes just about everything you know about the selling process and turns it on its ear - upside-down, if you will. That means shifting the mindset from pushing for sales to delivering value That means getting away…
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Are you tired of playing games with your customers? The most widely used metaphors in sales are those related to sports, battle, or games. The challenge with this mindset is it requires that one person wins, and the other loses. Instead of falling victim to…
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