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Debbie Allen

Debbie Allen, Certified Speaking Professional, is ranked in the top 5% of business speakers worldwide. She has been a professional member of the National Speakers Association for 25 years and has presented before thousands of people in 28 countries around the world.

Author's Publications on Amazon

Breakthrough ideas that won’t break the bank―the super-selling secrets behind Chicken Soup and other success stories! “To be leading edge, you must be shameless. This book will show you how.” ―Mark Victor Hansen, cocreator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series How did Mark…
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Readers will discover how to prepare for a speech before they arrive and how to make their presentation work in any foreign language, including how to work effectively with an interpreter. This book sets the stage for both corporate executive and professional speakers to make…
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Debbie Allen, The Success is Easy Business Strategist, is a motivational business speaker and business consultant for small business and franchises. She has presented before thousands of people in 28 countries around the world as a professional speaker for the past 25 years.
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Every small business starts with a spark, an idea, a vision. But as doubt, fear, and real-world roadblocks get in the way, that reach-for-the-stars idea seems far-fetched. Motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and success expert Debbie Allen is here to prove that your dream is not nearly…
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Today, no matter what industry you're in, it's becoming more and more difficult to stand out from the competition and get the sale when prospects aren't as loyal as they used to be. How do you get prospects' attention when they are often swayed by…
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