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David Covey

Connecting with brilliant people and building lasting partnerships inspires us every day. It is a privilege being surrounded by the best ideas from the best minds in the world. It is also invigorating to know that we are playing a role in spreading these ideas to so many people.

Author's Publications on Amazon

The field is ready to harvest, and to reap the rewards of your labor you need the right tools. David Covey's 8-step door approach and golden questions will orient missionaries toward fruitful finding, concrete committing, and meaningful member relations. Leave mediocre missionary work far behind…
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Outsmart the traps that are holding you back from success! Trap Tales is your guide to avoiding the seven obstacles that ensnare people every day. We all fall into traps, and we often don’t even realize it until we’re deeply entrenched. Like quicksand, traps are…
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