Are you wondering how to use cloud computing for your employer employee relationship?
Do you what to bring cloud computing technology into your employee relationship management?
For at least the last 60 years, the role of a company employee has been agonizingly unchanging:
Wake up in the morning, shower, dress, stuff down breakfast (if there’s time), sit in traffic, arrive punctually at the office, sit at a desk, take a fifteen minute mid-morning break, back to the desk, take lunch, and so on until the end of the day. Then it’s sitting in traffic once again all the way home.
Hopefully in the evening there is some time with the family, but it’s precious little. Generations of employees saw their lives slip away in such a fashion, wondering where they went wrong or looking back with deep regret, wishing they had somehow done things differently. Today, they can. Let me explain:
Our entire culture has been built around this lifestyle. Following World War II the auto market was flooded with affordable cars, which gave rise to suburbs springing up all around our major cities. Freeways and expressways were then constructed so that everyone living in those suburbs could make their way to work every day in a timely (or so our road engineers promised) manner. The oil industry thrived (for the gasoline all those cars required) as did suburban property developers and many other supporting industries.
Another whole set of government offices grew out of regulating office conduct, wages and safety. Entire industries came about to defend employee rights, see to their health care, and even to make office work more comfortable and enjoyable. The entertainment industry churned out endless sitcoms, dramas, movies and even stage musicals about dreary corporate life.
But thanks to the innovations of cloud computing, this whole morbid system is being completely challenged and is disappearing. The “drudge workers” of yesterday are today becoming free, able to live their lives without being imprisoned in offices and—most importantly—becoming truly active participants in their employers’ success.
Today’s Employer Employee Relationship
Now let us take a look at an entirely different scenario. You wake up, have breakfast, see the kids off to school perhaps much as before—but that’s where the similarity ends.
What happens next is completely up to you. You might access your computing device and check your tasks for the day, making a quick evaluation of how much time each will take. You might have an online meeting to prepare for or attend. You might have a task you have to get done right away, and so set to work.
Or, knowing how much time actually needs to be spent on tasks and knowing you have some extra, you might go for a run. Or take some time to increase the security of your job through online training or even personal research and study. Or take part of the afternoon to see your child perform at a school event—something that was never possible before without endangering your position at the company.
Your boss is not concerned about how many hours you spend on the job—he or she only cares that your duties get competently executed on schedule. (Nor does your superior care what time of day you spend getting these things done; it could be at 3 in the morning if that’s what works best for you.
Of course this new role does require a raised level of responsibility on the part of the employee. Nobody’s watching and you can do what you want. But if the job isn’t getting done and done well, its probably more likely than its every been that you’ll lose that job.
Cloud Computing Makes it Possible
All of this is brought into existence through the advent of cloud computing. When an employee checks into work, it is through a computing device into the cloud. All of the necessary applications can be resident there, if so desired, requiring only a web interface on the employee’s end. And the applications available have never been better—including those which make online meetings possible. Such applications combined with high speed connections mean coordination and interfacing with other employees at lest as fast as with a physical presence, and in some cases even faster.
Those applications must include a cloud CRM solution. Many company employees must have relationships with customers that they’ll never meet in person, and in order for that to happen, adequate data must be quickly retrievable about each customer or customer-company. That is only possible with a CRM solution that is highly intuitive and flexible—the only kind of CRM that can truly enable an employee in today’s new working environment.
Thanks to cloud computing, it is truly a brave new world for the company employee. Step in and be free.
Look for our other articles on the changing face of business.