Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Storytelling For Sales Success

Storytelling can be an incredibly useful tool in sales, but have you ever thought about why this is? It’s simple – when you are telling a story, you can connect with people. Stories create a problem that your product or service can help alleviate, which ultimately can lead to closing more deals. Don’t let your storytelling get in the way of a successful business.

This expert sales interview explores:

  • Increase the Probability of Closing
  • Facts are Forgotten
  • Rapport Investigation

Increase the Probability of Closing

As we get to the end of the year, there are a few things that we need to keep in check. First, the end of the year is not a time to start pulling back. If you want a strong first quarter, you need to maintain the momentum. Second, storytelling isn’t necessarily a fast close concept. Parsley explains from his experience, the sales professional’s goal is not actually to sell. The goal is to connect with people and make connections, and the other goal in sales is to manipulate people with good intent.

Facts are Forgotten; Stories are Remembered

When you load someone up with facts, statistics, etc., people are going to forget about that information because people don’t care about that information. This is one of the many reasons why infomercials are so powerful – they are establishing a pain through a story. They don’t talk about price, but they tell you a story and make you want the product.

Rapport Investigation

Before you can tell a story, you need to find ways to connect with people. Rapport investigation, or internet stalking is hugely important. That’s not to say that you blatantly let them know you have been investigating them, but letting out subtle hints to engage with them and connect with them are going to help you build rapport. You can act professionally all you want, but it’s incredibly important to talk like a friend.

To learn more about how to use storytelling for sales success, watch the entire expert sales interview.

About our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

Secrets of Sales Management

Learn the Secrets of Sales Management from a Top Sales Leader

The secrets of sales management aren’t secrets anymore. Salespeople need masterful managers to help them stay focused, maintain motivation, and utilize the best selling techniques. Therefore, it’s of the utmost importance for sales leaders to be great coaches who understand their team, and understand how to coach their reps to help them achieve success. Leadership is an art form that can produce tremendous results when well understood and used properly, but can lead to chaos and disarray if sales leaders are not effective.

For more information on how to become a top sales leader, watch this interview on the secrets of sales management with sales experts Brigid Archibald and Tony J. Hughes.

Delivering Innovative Service

Delivering innovative service doesn’t have to mean spending a ton of money to upgrade a frequent flyer to first class, or upgrade a hotel guest to a suite. Delivering innovative service simply means being unique and going above and beyond what is expected of you.

This expert sales interview explores:

  • Kaleidoscope: Delivering Innovative Service that Sparkles
  • Loyalty
  • Grace Honoring Your Customer

Service that Sparkles

Service that sparkles is about “value unique.” Most organizations know they are supposed to exceed the customer’s expectations. Rather than focusing on value added, value unique is going somewhere that the customer never expected. Rather than just being generous, you are being genius and doing something different, unique, and surprise them because it’s not what they thought. Bell reflects on when his wife traded in her car, and the dealer programmed the radio stations with the presets from her old car. There is a limit to generosity, but no limit to enginuity.


One of the most important parts about loyalty is that it’s not actually about recommending an organization, it’s about if you would tell a story about it. The deepest sense of advocacy is when someone tells a story about you. Unfortunately, people are predisposed to the idea that something is going to upset them, so it’s the little surprises that can have such an outsized impact because they go against the expectation.

Grace Honoring Your Customer

Grace can be thought of in two ways: faith and artistic ability. Grace in an organization is about bringing and sense of character to what you do. A sense of obvious integrity to what you do. Oftentimes it is even caring deeply about your clients. Bell shares about a pizza joint in Philadelphia that has a “pay it forward” system in place for homeless people. There are thousands of people that have paid for slices of pizza for someone less fortunate and the graceful side is people of all financial backgrounds coming together and enjoying a slice of pizza together.

To learn more about how to deliver innovative service, watch the entire expert sales interview. If you would like to read one of Chip’s books, they are available on Amazon.

About our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

Leadership & Accountability

Have you ever worked in an organization without real leadership? It’s difficult, isn’t it? Without a leader that exemplifies what it means to be part of your organization’s culture, there is no accountability for the actions of yourself or others. True leadership is defined by your everyday actions – living the missions and values of your organization 100% of the time.

This expert sales interview explores:

  • Accountability
  • Commitments
  • Making Accountability a Reality in Your Organization


Accountability is the highest form of leadership. Either you are accountable to your people or you aren’t, and if you aren’t, then your leadership style will never work. Accountability isn’t necessarily just getting things done – it is not the same as responsibility. We are responsible for things, but we are accountable to people. It’s a commitment to a person or to a group of people. The accountable leader understands that it’s not about their people being accountable to them, it’s that they have to take the responsibility to create an environment that inspires accountability for people to be their best. This is achieved by being accountable to their people first and foremost.


Accountability to your people manifests in commitments. One of the commitments is a commitment to the values. Organizations are great at coming up with mission statements, or vision statements. They create this list of values that goes on the wall, or in a drawer and then it’s gone. The reality is that the accountable leader is living those values, modeling those values, teaching those values, and are making decisions that are ALWAYS connected to those values. Then, and only then, they can expect their people to do the same in return.

Making Accountability a Reality in Your Organization

There are two parts to every business. There is the tactical side of your business and then there is the spirit of your business. What we tend to do is focus on the tactical side of the business and that’s when we make a mistake. What happens is no matter how good you make the tactical side of your business, it’s not going to help the spirit of who you are as an organization. This is going to connect to your organizational culture. When you focus on the spirit and the culture of your organization, people are freed to take the tactical side of the business to levels that we would have never before imagined.

To learn more about how to overcome self-limiting beliefs, watch the entire expert sales interview.

About our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

#SalesChats: CRM Mega-trends to Watch

End-of-Year Review & Predictions for Better Sales & Sales Management

As the year comes to a close, reflection is key in preparation for next year’s success. How did this years trends play out? Were they successful in accelerating the future of your business, or did they fall flat? Do you have a plan on how you can improve 2019, or is history going to repeat itself?

Join our hosts John Golden and Martha Neumeister as they talk with Pipeliner’s Founder and CEO about this vital topic.

Recorded Live on 13th December 2018 9am PT/Noon ET

Episode Questions

  1. This year happened a lot in the CRM industry. What challenges were you faced with when it comes to offering sales and sales management a CRM that supports the effort of the overall team?
  2. What are the big CRM trends that appeared in 2018 and how did they help make the job of sales easier?
  3. What are some of the breakout CRM trends you are predicting in the next 6 months and what do you personally think sales managers should pay attention to?

Our Guest

Nikolaus Kimla

A 30-year veteran of the computer industry, Nikolaus has founded and run several software companies. He and his company uptime iTechnology are the developers of World-Check, a risk intelligence platform eventually sold to Thomson Reuters for $520 million. He is currently the founder and CEO of Pipelinersales, Inc., developer and publisher of Pipeliner CRM, the first CRM application aimed squarely at actually empowering salespeople.

Also a prolific writer, Nikolaus has authored over 100 ebooks, articles and white papers addressing the subjects of sales management, leadership and sales itself.

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Our Hosts

About Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

Martha Neumeister

Martha is social media strategist, responsible for all social media platforms of Pipeliner CRM. She is a communication expert with social media affinity, which she has been focusing on throughout her professional career. She has a bachelor´s degree in Entrepreneurship & Management and a master´s degree in Online Marketing which supports her in her career as Social Media Strategist.

About SalesChats

#SalesChats is a fast-paced (no more than 30 minutes) multi-media series that provides leading strategies, tactics and thinking for sales professionals worldwide. It can be found on Twitter (#SalesChats), as a live Google+ Hangout, and as a podcast available on iTunes, SoundCloud and right here on SalesPOP! If you think you would make a great guest for #SalesChats, please contact co-host Martha Neumeister.

#SalesChats is co-hosted by John Golden, CSMO Pipeliner CRM, and Martha Neumeister, Social Media Strategist Pipeliner CRM.

How to Overcome Self Limiting Beliefs

In business, and in life, you are your own worst enemy. When times get hard, you can either choose to give up and limit your success, or you can choose to push through the hard times and break down barriers. Limiting your success comes from within, and the obstacles in your life are only in the way if you let them be.

This expert sales interview explores:

  • Mastermind
  • Ecountability
  • Three Levels of Business


The “Mastermind” comes from the book Think and Grow by Napoleon Hill. Basically, when two or more people come together, they become this super-mind, or mastermind. The idea is that small business owners come across things that they don’t know all the time and that’s happening more and more because of innovation happens so quickly. When you join together with other people, you get to learn everyone’s skill set and come up with a better idea than what you had on your own. This is one of the reasons that co-founders do so well – because they get to bounce ideas off each other and are able to shape a good idea into a great idea.


There are two sides of the coin:

  1. There are the experts that are stuck in a rut in delivering their ideas in just one format. For example, cooks just cook, trainers just train, etc. The idea is that innovation is all around them just running their own mastermind, downloading their own intellectual property, and teaching people their own shortcut.
  2. There are the entrepreneurs coming together in a mastermind to work towards an improvement in business. This means shining light on your own dark spots of what you don’t know, and allowing others to help you fill in the gaps, so that you can better understand where you should, or could be going and the possibilities.

Three Levels of Business

  1. Imitation – When you first start a business, there is a tendency to just copy someone else. You may be a copywriter and say to yourself, “okay – I’m just going to do what everyone else does.”
  2. Mastery – You think you’re really good at this and you’ve really honed your craft.
  3. Innovation – You know what you don’t know, so what else can you do?

To learn more about how to overcome self-limiting beliefs, watch the entire expert sales interview.

About our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

Management and Motivation in Sales

Have you ever looked at someone successful and thought that you would never get there in your own life? Believing that you are not capable of greatness is wrong. If you have the self-motivation, you can achieve anything in life. Giving up is the easiest thing to do, but it is also the stupidest thing that you could do. Success is all about mindset.

This expert sales interview explores:

  • The key to success
  • Parallels between self-motivation and Sales 101
  • The Best Damn Management Book Ever: 9 Keys to Creating Self-Motivated High Achievers

The Key to Success

Why do you need to find self-motivated, rather than finding people to motivate? Greshes argues that you really can’t motivate others. Most of the time what people are experiencing hearing speakers is external motivation, which is short term. They key to success is internal motivation, and Greshes teaches tools and techniques to help people better motivate themselves. If you don’t have self-motivated people, or at least teach people how to motivate themselves, what’re they going to do when you are not there to push them? Probably nothing, and it’s impossible for you to micromanage and look over everyone’s shoulder 24-7.

Motivation and Sales 101

How to do you develop lifelong customers? You probe for their needs and fill those needs on an everyday basis. It’s the same thing for the people that work for you. Your employees are your customers, so figure out what they want. If you can help them figure out their goals for their life, their career, etc, and then devise a plan to help them get there, then your employees will be able to come to work every day to achieve that goal for themselves. It’s about getting your employee closer to what THEY want.

The Best Damn Management Book Ever

Greshes’ book is a practical guidebook to managing a stellar staff of high-achievers. The Best Damn Management Book Ever teaches managers, executives, and business owners how to create a staff of self-motivated, confident, high-achieving, self-starters. The acclaimed author of The Best Damn Sales Book Ever, Warren Greshes draws from years of experience to offer practical,easy-to-implement steps explained through entertaining, informative real-life stories.

Learn to communicate more effectively with the people who report to you. The Best Damn Management Book Ever delivers actionable advice to hone your leadership skills.

  • Install the self-starting generator in your people, enabling them to perform at a high level whether you’re there or not
  • Gain insight and determine each employee’s “Hot Buttons” and motivators
  • Correctly manage the three distinct groups that comprise every organization
  • Delegate more effectively
  • Use your time as a manager, executive, and business owner more efficiently
  • Become the best damn leader your staff needs to achieve their goals and blow away the competition.

To learn more about time management and motivation, watch the entire expert sales interview. If you are interested in reading Greshes’ book, it is available on Amazon.

About our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

Sales Closing Vs. Step Earning

Sales Closing Vs. Earning The Next Step

Everyone wants to close deals. It’s how people in the sales profession put bread on their table, add value to client’s lives, and provide a meaningful service for others. But there is a very important way to go about sales closing. Not following the sales process, and earning each next step, can end up taking you farther away from where you want to be.

Instead, focus on how to earn the next step in the sales process, instead of focusing on getting the close. Make sure that each part of the selling process is completed, and that your buyer is on board with the way the process is unfolding. This will help you with sales closing, and you’ll be able to reach your goals faster and more effectively.

Check out this video featuring the expert sales opinions of Cian McLoughlin and Tony J. Hughes.

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