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Self-Assessment Test: Managing Leads and Opportunities

Self-Assessment Test: Managing Leads and Opportunities

Our self-gradable test will show you where you can improve the management of Leads and Opportunities to Increase Sales Velocity and Close Rates

From a Lead to a Closed Sale

As a Lead moves along the sales pipeline, at some point it becomes an Opportunity. This means it has the real potential of becoming what everyone in the sales force is after: a closed sale.

Whereas qualifying a Lead might be relatively simple, Opportunity management is a bit more complex. This is because the stakes are higher. A salesperson is now going to invest valuable time into working the Opportunity, engaging key people at the target company, making presentations, and using any sales technique to move the Opportunity along. Other departments will likely become involved also.

Tech support might be standing by if the prospect company is testing a trial version. Marketing might be armed to provide specific materials to help the sale along. Executives in the company could be standing by as tags on the sale. Everyone is betting that this Opportunity will pay off, but there is always that risk factor. Not all sales close. Will this one turn to profit, or become expensively wasted effort?

Learn How to Handle Leads and Opportunities

As Leads become Opportunities and move through your sales process, are they getting the right kind of attention, or are you still operating without a process? Are Leads just thrown over to a sales rep, and left to the vagaries of chance?

There’s a right and a wrong way to handle Leads and Opportunities, and our self-assessment test is a fun way to find out if you can improve your tactics.

You’ll learn more about:

  • Defining and tracking Leads
  • Defining your Lead Management Process
  • The importance of recycling Leads
  • Revealing problems or bottlenecks in your sales processes
  • Sharing best practices within your sales team
  • Download this self-assessment test and improve sales velocity and closing rates!
Sales Forecasting, Analytics & CRM

Sales Forecasting, Analytics & CRM

With the right tools, your sales forecast can be effective and accurate. The right CRM solution helps you get your bearings within the tangled web of sales metrics, and see the clear picture of the story your numbers are telling.

Download this free ebook and learn how to properly analyze your sales pipeline, and create an accurate and cost-effective sales forecast.

Chapter 1: CRM Solutions: Reliable and Accurate Sales Forecasting?

Sales forecasts are often done with considerable guesswork, sent along to company management, and everyone crosses their fingers and silently prays that these forecasts are somewhere near correct. If two key issues were solved – accuracy being one of them – everyone from sales reps on up to the chairman of the board could sleep a lot better at night, having far more confidence in those sales forecasts.

Chapter 2: Sales Forecasting: An Organizational Shift

Traditionally, sales forecasting has been done by the sales manager after lengthy consultation with sales reps. While it may be “how it’s always been done,” this methodology is risky at best. There is actually a way to make this a much more winning game – from the salespeople on up.

Chapter 3: 6 Key Factors for Accurate Sales Analytics and Forecasting

By actual statistic, sales forecasts – along with closing rates – are generally off by a considerable margin. Here are 6 key factors that, if implemented, will go a long way to greatly improving the accuracy of your sales analytics and forecasting.

Chapter 4: Benefits of Truly Accurate Sales Analytics

There is of course the basic benefit of accurate sales analytics: accurate sales forecasts. But there are numerous other benefits which should also be taken into account, and act as further motivations for companies to move beyond the considerable degree of speculation that commonly dominates today’s sales forecasting.

Chapter 5: Sales Analytics and CRM Solutions

The most consistent and positive way to work out a sales forecast is with a CRM solution that includes accurate sales analytics that will show you the facts of the matter, every time.

Chapter 6: Sales Analytics: Changing Role of the Sales Manager

Here we will take a closer look at how precise and usable sales analytics change the role of the person normally held accountable for overall sales and the forecasting of those sales: the sales manager.

Download Sales Forecasting, Analytics and CRM now.

Pipeline Measurement and Sales Success

Pipeline Measurement and Sales Success

A well-defined, smooth-running, and carefully measured sales pipeline is one of the most powerful sales tools you use. Our ebook shows you how to make the most of it.

Understanding the Power of Metrics

You know that your pipeline is the foundation of a successful sales process and the root of all revenue.

When you understand the power of its metrics, you have all the information you need to create more opportunities, generate more leads (from the right kind of customer), and encourage existing customers to buy more. Within this book you’ll find the answers:

  • How to properly measure your sales pipeline
  • The KPIs that you need to track
  • How to predict your sales with accurate and insightful pipeline measurement

Quantify the performance of your pipeline and you’ll be able to identify gaps, proactively tackle the challenges that kill your conversion rates, and close more sales.

Download this free ebook and learn more.

If you understand the metrics within your pipeline, you will have access to the information you need to create more opportunities, generate more leads (from the right kind of customer) and encourage existing customers to buy more.

Salespeople and Sales Managers: Lessons from the World Cup

Salespeople and Sales Managers: Lessons from the World Cup

Managing your sales force can be a lot like managing a soccer team towards a World Cup victory.

Be the Best Team!

Germany stunned the world with one of the youngest teams ever to take the field at the World Cup 2014 — and a considerable lack of star players in the traditional sense. It is very evident that something in championship soccer has radically changed.

So, too, has the world of sales changed. There has been a lot of buzz in the last few years about the change in buyer habits. Approximately 70% of a B2B buying decision is made before a salesperson is ever contacted. There are different strategies that support this new approach, such as insight selling and social selling. But there´s bigger lesson to be learned.

In this ebook you learn:

  • What do the drastic changes within the buyer-seller relationship mean for the world of sales?
  • How do you go about creating a truly effective sales team?
  • What is the role of technology and IT in this new sales landscape?

Being a True Team Player

One fact about Germany’s performance in the World Cup is that they played as a team.

Salespeople need to learn this same lesson. They are, by nature, loners; setting their own goals, being responsible for their own incomes, and following their own instincts. In one respect that’s a great thing—it’s what makes them great salespeople. But today the sales landscape has become far too competitive and, more importantly, too complex for a salesperson to go it alone.

How can you win your ultimate sales challenge with as much elegance and ferocity as German team did at the 2014 World Cup? Download our free ebook to make an unforgettable kick-off for your business.

While we’re learning, there are other factors that have entered into the sales landscape in the last few years that substantially aid the needed changes both for sales and sales management—and interestingly can be likened to the German victory in the World Cup.

Sales Systems: Insight Selling

Sales Systems: Insight Selling

Bring New Order to Your Sales Process

What is insight selling and how can you benefit from lost leads and opportunities? How do you manage the information within your sales process – the quantity and quality? Most importantly, how do you keep it accessible, organized, and accurate?  Within this ebook you find the answers to how to develop and improve your sales system. You’ll learn:

  • What is insight selling and how can you blend it into existing sales best practices?
  • How can you analyze and capitalize on lost sales opportunities?
  • What are the best ways to qualify leads and opportunities?

Improve your pipeline with the basic principles of insight selling and learn the power of new sales techniques and strategies. Download this free eBooklet and learn more.

Today’s forward-thinking sellers gather much more information than just about the general industry. They learn as much as possible about the specific prospect company itself, its role in the industry, its competition and any problems particular to that company.

Your Little Black Book for Conferences and Conventions

Your Little Black Book for Conferences and Conventions

Advice from sales experts who are also seasoned attendees — How to make the most of the in-person event.

Indispensable techniques for keeping organized and productive at events and conferences

We’ve got a new ebook just perfect for anyone planning to attend an in-person event or conference! — The Little Black Book for Conferences and Conventions.

Four experienced event attendees have written all their secret squirrel techniques and ideas for how to make the most of these opportunities — from preparing ahead of time, to what to do during the event, to following up afterward. Our experts:

  • Barbara Giamanco — Leading social selling author, speaker, and advisor
  • Joanne Black — Renowned authority on referral selling
  • Peri Shawn — Award-winning sales and coaching author, speaker, and trainer
  • Chad Porter — Co-founder of Invisume (“The Invisible Resume”)

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Building Relationships – Numbered lists for preparing and making the most out of relationship-building activities
  • Keeping Organized Amid the Chaos – Secret methods and apps that help maintain control — scheduling, what to bring with you, and using your time wisely
  • Before the Event – Activities, planning, and creating a state of mind that sets the stage for success
  • During the Event: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques – Contacting people, using social media, and managing meetups
  • After the Event – Putting all your hard work to good use — don’t fall short at the finish line!
  • Techniques That Really Work – Experts’ secret squirrel ideas that might just work for you
  • Etiquette Pet Peeves – What to do — and what not to do!

Download this fun and free ebook, and you will be prepared and productive at your next in-person conference!

Winning the Battle for Sales by John Golden

Winning the Battle for Sales by John Golden

Drawing lessons on closing deals — from the world’s greatest military victories.

About Winning the Battle for Sales

What does selling products and services—or the failure to do so—have to do with Napoleon’s march on Moscow, Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg, and David’s epic battle with Goliath? According to sales expert John Golden, a lot–and not just because sales calls can feel like gruelling battles.

In this eye-opening sales guide, Golden reveals the surprising parallel between the steps of successful selling and the steps of successful warfare.

Winning the Battle for Sales delivers selling best practices based on examples from history’s battlefields Organized into three parts–the Sales Call, Account Strategy, and Sales Management–these tales reveal key takeaways that you can apply to every sale, including:

  • Pyrrhus of Epirus vs. the Romans (280-279 B.C.)—vital points on avoiding the pursuit of victory at all costs
  • Captain Bligh vs. Fletcher Christian (Mutiny on the Bounty)—important lessons about understanding customer needs and desires
  • The Siege of Petersburg (U.S. Civil War, 1864)—indispensable guidance on delivering “outside-the-box” solutions
  • The Gunfight at the OK Corral (1881)—the keys to preventing sales objections to ensure smooth negotiations
  • Brian Boru vs. the Vikings (Battle of Clontarf, 1014)—essential information on turning unseen opportunity into a value driver

Just as generals pore over every aspect of a battle after it’s fought, you no doubt review your sales tactics in a similar fashion. This guide is a quick, snappy, entertaining read.

Tips for Precise, Predictable Sales Management

Tips for Precise, Predictable Sales Management

Sales management is anything but easy—just ask anyone who has done it. The sales manager is supervising people who are innately self-sufficient loners and who really don’t want to be supervised. Salespeople make their own observations and conclusions and commonly don’t take directions too well. Add to all of that the lack of accurate analysis tools on the part of sales management and you have a recipe for uncertainty at best.

No single book could cover everything there is to know about sales management—not by a long way. But this ebook provides some powerful, basic tips to make sales management considerably more bearable.

Chapter 1: Creating a Sales Process

Today a sales process is essential to a smoothly functioning sales force. Considerable time and care should be taken in its creation, for it is as essential to your business as a business plan or product specifications. You wouldn’t skimp on those—don’t skimp on the sales process, either.

Chapter 2: CRM Solutions: Way Beyond the Numbers

Traditional CRM systems, despite all their “bells and whistles” of advanced technology, have not made the necessary changes to become the streamlined tools they need to be. In today’s highly competitive business environment, a CRM solution must be far more than a complex method for measuring potential and accomplished quota achievement. In fact it needs to be the backbone, memory and mind of a sales force and all who must interact with it.

Chapter 3: 4 Steps to Easier Sales Management

Sales management is anything but easy—just ask anyone who has done it. But there are 4 steps which, if fully applied, will at the least greatly ease sales management’s burden.

Chapter 4: Sales Management: Recruiting and Retaining a Premier Sales Force

Instability and turnover within a sales force can be one of sales management’s worst nightmares. There are five key elements to recruiting—and far more importantly, keeping—a stable team of high-powered sales reps.

Chapter 5: 4 Ways to Improving Sales Force Skill Through Analytics

The key to improving the sales force is through coaching from sales management. While this has been known and discussed for some years, what might not be so obvious is the importance of sales analytics to the process. Here are four ways to improve sales force skill through the use of those analytics.

Chapter 6: Sales Analytics: Eliminating “Hockey-Stick” Revenue Performance

“Hockey-stick” is a fairly common descriptive term that describes a revenue graph that creeps along the bottom or the middle of the graph for most of a period, usually a quarter, and then in the last few weeks jumps up to the top (resembling a hockey stick). The skillful implementation of a sales process, CRM solution and the right sales analytics will do away with “hockey stick” revenue performance—along with the severe stress brought to bear on sales reps and the rest of the company.

Download Tips for Sales Management now.

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