Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
TV Expert Interviews / Sales Skills / Nov 26, 2021 / Posted by Connie Kadansky / 1391

The Problem of Sales Call Reluctance (video)


In this Expert Insight Interview, Connie Kadansky discusses sales call reluctance. Connie Kadansky is a noted authority on call reluctance and sales productivity.

This Expert Insight Interview discusses:

  • The persistent problem of call reluctance and how to put a stop to it
  • Why do sales professionals need to stop focusing on themselves
  • How focusing on creating value can help you achieve more in every aspect of your life

Call Reluctance

Call reluctance seems to be an evergreen problem — an issue that never goes away. Chances are, at least some members of your sales team is reluctant to make sales calls. So, why does it happen?

Sales call reluctance is an emotional hesitation to prospect and promote proactively, and people who experience call reluctance are often self-centric in their mindset. They are focused on what the prospect would think about them and what would happen if they had a negative experience with the potential customer.

It Is Not About You

Instead of focusing on themselves, sales professionals should focus on the value they could create for the prospect. Unfortunately, however, we live in a more self-obsessed world than ever before. Please do not assume that this increased self-absorption is our fault. It is primarily the result of the social media culture we live in.

This is a significant problem because it hampers our ability to connect with other people, prospects and customers included. So, if there’s one thing for you to take away from this interview, it is that any sales call you make is not about you; it is about the value that you can create for the prospect.

Creating Value

The “this is not about me” approach works not only in sales but in almost all other aspects of your life. When you engage in something, instead of looking at what you can get out of it and how you feel about it, try to consider the value you can bring to someone else.

If you can do this, you’ll be much more excited to take on any project. As humans, we are hard-wired to cooperate, and we all have a deep-seated desire to help other people. So, if you can tap into that desire, you’ll likely be much more motivated to do anything you need to do.

Our Host

John is the Amazon bestselling author of Winning the Battle for Sales: Lessons on Closing Every Deal from the World’s Greatest Military Victories and Social Upheaval: How to Win at Social Selling. A globally acknowledged Sales & Marketing thought leader, speaker, and strategist, he has conducted over 1500 video interviews of thought leaders for Sales POP! online sales magazine & YouTube Channel and for audio podcast channels where Sales POP! is rated in the top 2% of most popular shows out of 3,320,580 podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score. He is CSMO at Pipeliner CRM. In his spare time, John is an avid Martial Artist.

About Author

Connie Kadansky has worked with powerhouse organizations including Fortune 50 corporations, Universities, Multi-national organizations, and National non-profits & Associations. She has also been written about or written in publications including The Wall Street Journal, CEO, Inc., Bloomberg Businessweek, Investor’s Business Daily, Small Business Opportunities, Forbes, and many more.

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