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3 Ways To Get You New Clients Fast!
Blog / For Sales Pros / Jul 23, 2017 / Posted by Kim Orlesky / 5450

3 Ways To Get You New Clients Fast!


When I open my Facebook my feed is filled with posts about the top ways to gain more business through webinars, email, and Facebook ads (among other pay per click advertising). The struggle is the average e-commerce only site converts 3% of the traffic that comes in, which means we spend a lot of time and money on trying to get people interested in our business before a sale is even made. However companies that incorporate a sales strategy will see their conversion rise anywhere from 13% for a basic live person touchpoint to 68% for a referral from your network!

Companies that are most successful focus on these strategies to get business faster than ever:

1. Do Your Research

Do you know the companies that you work best with? Are you focused on a specific industry or are niched with a certain type of client? For someone starting out you may not know your focus yet, in which case start with your personal history. Who do you want to business with? Then research. There are plenty of industry tools including LinkedIn and local economic development directories. A bit of time researching up front will go a long way! Find out what the unique challenges of a specific industry and the key players in the industry. What are they interested in? What is their goal with with customers? When you do call on a new company the person on the other line will be far more receptive because you understand them more than any other person calling on them for the first time.

2. Use Your Network

Chances are you are in your business because you truly love what you do. Then own that! Don’t be apologetic or shameful for asking your network for help. Express to your friends, family, old clients, and acquaintances, that you would love any support they can provide. Let everyone know you have a business that you love, and would love to know if they could connect with the people you want to do business with. Be specific about your ask. It’s not enough to say, “I am looking for someone that could use social media services.” You’ve completed your research and know the companies and industries you want to be connected with. Instead ask your network if anyone can connect you with “XYZ company” or knows someone who works in the construction industry. Reach out to your connections and ask, “Who would be the decision maker for outsourcing human resources services at your company?” and then connect with that person. You’re not asking them to give you business, you’re asking for a name. You love what you do and your passion will sell itself when you call the person that makes the decisions.

3. Want It? Go For It

Don’t wait for companies to find and call on you and your services. We are inundated daily with ads, sponsored Facebook posts, and other marketing. Timing is everything and you need to reach out and call on people regularly to let them know you are still around and the services you provide. Most purchases are made when a business connected with a person wanting to buy at the right time. You won’t always know when the right time is, but you can be out there, calling on and connecting with more people. And if the thought of calling on new companies scares you check out my additional cold calling tips at

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About Author

Kim is The Leading Sales Coach, Success Magazine’s most inspirational blogger, LeadFuze's most influential sales leader, and three-time author. She expand her presence with international speaking, being invited to speak at the same events as Elizabeth Gilbert, Brené Brown, and Michelle Obama.

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"This book will inspire you to start planning and make such a dream into a reality. Based on my personal experience of selling my house to backpack around the world solo, this will give you some tips, tricks, and ideas on how to make your…
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In "Sell More. Faster." Kim Orlesky uses humor, anecdotes, and colorful analogies to make sales fun. She explains why finding the right client the first time will make the entire process easier. It focuses on the bigger picture and how each question, interaction, and answer…
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