So we are now in Q4 FY2017, I thought we should have a bit of fun – or perhaps it is gallows humor depending on where you are with your quota for 2017. As others start thinking about Halloween, many salespeople already have masks on – with expressions like confidence, determination and commitment etched on them – but underneath some of the expressions are more like Edvard Munch’s “Scream.”
Yes, as your colleagues in other departments are getting excited at the approaching seasons of giving thanks or being jolly, you are faced with the season of reckoning. Will you make quota, be a star, head to President’s Club to be wined and dined or will you fall short, maybe within a few dollars of the line – so near and yet so far – or have you already resigned yourself to the fact that it is going to take a bunch of hail Mary passes, a flock of bluebirds and all the planets being aligned for you to have even the remotest chance of making it.
Maybe you are already sitting there with quota firmly achieved already looking forward to grabbing all those lovely accelerators!!
Whatever your situation I wish you all the luck in the world – sales is such a tough job and you deserve the alignment of every planet and an infestation of bluebirds – so go ahead and pick an answer for the poll below and we will see where everyone is – (remember it is totally anonymous, just make a selection – no personal data is asked for or collected).
[Total_Soft_Poll id=”9″]