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What do golfers know that business owners need to know?
Blog / Sales Management / Aug 11, 2019 / Posted by Bob Reish / 5828

What do golfers know that business owners need to know?


Finding Success in Business through the game of Golf…

“The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you believe it 100%.” — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Achieving the pinnacle of success in the game of golf is simple. The greatest obstacle is making the game of golf difficult. The game of golf is not easy by any means; however, it is a very simple game. The mindset enabling success in the game of golf is no different than any other venture in life. Mindset is the key to success.

The correct mindset is the key that opens the door to the success and significance as many successful business professionals and premier athletes have experienced in powerful ways. As a business coach, I have the privilege to serve business professionals each day by helping them achieve success when are unable to achieve on their own. I accomplish this using systems and processes developed by some of the greatest personal and professional development experts such as Brian Tracy. When I am asked how business coaching works, I cite the relationship between Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. Although Tom Brady is an exceptional quarterback with amazing skills, Coach Belichick opens opportunities to help Tom Brady get in the end zone more often than he would on his own.

I find many similarities between the game of business and the game of golf. The mindset of success in business is identical to the mindset of success in golf. I had the privilege of inviting a PGA golf pro to one of my sales excellence classes several years ago. As we engaged in a discussion of how to master the game of golf, I asked him a question:

Why are there many golfers on the PGA Tour and only a small number of golfers reach the pinnacle of success?

His answer astonished me. He said that every PGA golfer on the PGA Tour has the skills and talent to win every tournament. There is no difference in potential. He said that the difference between the 99% of golfers and 1% of golfers such as Tiger Woods and Phil Michelson to name a few is a mindset. They have a different mindset. Their paradigm is different than everyone else. It is not knowledge, skill, and talent that wins at golf, it is how to use the knowledge, it is how to master the skill, and how to develop their talent consistently. The mindset of the highest level of golf is a mindset of the highest degree.

To uncover the secrets of motivating sales teams, explore insights from sources like golfers. Visit The Left Rough for a unique perspective on what golfers know that business owners need to know, and discover fresh strategies to inspire your sales force.

As I honed my thoughts on the wisdom of the golf professional, I realized success in business is the same as success on the golf course. Success in golf leads to championships. Success in business leads to leading through significance. There are 3 characteristics business leaders and golf champions have in common:

1. Consistency. The ability to do the same thing repeatedly the same way is key. It is said that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting different results. Success is doing the same thing repeatedly expecting the same result. In golf, the ability to reproduce the identical swing is key, in business the ability to reproduce significance in others is the pinnacle of success.

2. Content Mastery. To have knowledge is the foundation, using the knowledge is wisdom. Understanding your content is vital to your success. The first step in serving someone is the clarity of their needs. When needs are clear, the tools to bring value to solving the needs is your content. In the business world, your content understanding enables you to provide service to the needs of your clients. In the game of golf, knowledge of your clubs, balls, course, weather conditions, and other variables is vital to success in becoming a champion.

3. Confidence in Your Ability. What you say to yourself each moment of every day develops how you feel about yourself. Your thoughts will impact what you believe yourself. Your beliefs and feels will impact every action you take. Activity will always result in a successful outcome. When you think your circumstances decide your fate, your success will be at the mercy of what others think. When you believe your success is a result of your activity, you will choose your outcome. Business and golfing professionals alike will achieve success based on how they think. Their choice to be significant is not dependent on the circumstances, but the choices they make before they every act. The 1% of successful golfers and business professionals determine their success by choosing to be significant before their day has begun, or they tee off. You can also read: How Golf Started

The only restriction to your significance is your mindset. The 1% is someone who decided to become significant despite the circumstance. The 1% of golfers, like but not limited to Tiger Wood or Phil Mickelson, have not risen to greatness because they were different based on skill, they rose to the top because they made the decision to rise to the top. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Brian Tracy may have exceeded the expectations of others, but expected to achieve greatness from the beginning.

Business Coach Bob Reish

About Author

Bob is considered a master trainer in the sales industry with over 12,000 training and stage hours. He is referred to as the “go to” business coach. He has worked with over 7000 professionals to date, many of which are in the insurance and financial services industry.

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In this book, we will discuss a system that will use existing methods of public speaking, while at the same time creating a more comfortable atmosphere where we can share our message. We will experience the excitement of leaving the fear behind and expecting the…
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Comments (14)


Uche Onyebibile commented...

I am much more thrilled with these vital principles. Consistency which is the ability to do something repeatedly irrespective of difficulties or challenges.
Content mastery talks about about how knowledge is key and using the knowledge is wisdom.
And to crown it all confidence in your ability this is so striken.
Thank you for this wonderful shared knowledge it has indeed added so much to me. Thank you.


Silas Omugbe commented...

My take home from this article is “The 1% of successful golfers and business professionals determine their success by choosing to be significant before their day has begun, or they tee off.”

Every great achievement begins from and is concluded in the mind. Once it can be conceived in the mind, it is possible and achievable

Thanks for sharing Bob Reish.


Femi Atoyebi commented...

This article is so interesting and it has made me realize that being successful is all about the mindset. That is one must have the right mindset to be successful in whatever one is doing. The article also emphasize on the three characteristics that both business leader and golfers have in common.
1. Consistency – This means that on the road to success one must be consistent and believe in whatever yourself
2.Content Mastery – You must have a good knowledge of your content as this really helps a lot in achieving success
3. Confidence in your ability – You must believe in yourself to be successful


Toyin Ibrahim commented...

I read through the article and found it interesting especially There are 3 characteristics business leaders and golf champions have in common


Ihemeje OnyeKachi commented...

Successful people talks often of conceptualizing success before attempting their endeavor, in fitness industry its called mind muscle connection. This ability to visualise success is so critical,all the major religion propound it. Its the element called faith. Mr. Bob Reish here reminds us in simple and gentle terms to believe in ourselves,like a good golfer must…a golfer sees the ball curve in the direction he wants it to go before he hits the ball. Thank you so much,Mr Reish for sharing;i needed it.


Nkem Ukandu commented...

Mindset is the key to success. A positive mindset is what anyone needs to succeed. Thank you Bob for this exposition


Martin Edenweze commented...

Mindset is everything.


Zalkarnaini Abdullahi commented...

Actually, this principles are workable to the extreme extend, consistency, confidence and mastery of content. Person can’t do without this


Justus Anyaji commented...

What a masterpiece. The mind, when it conceptualizes a thing, empowers the body to achieve it in some unimaginable ways. Over time, it has been proved that our mindset is our only limiting factor.


Esther Igah commented...

Going through this write up opened my eyes to alot of things. The only limitation we have is our mind, if only you can envision a thing, believe in it then it is achievable. Having the right mindset is the key to success. For you to be a successful business leader you must be consistent, gain mastery of what you do and have confidence in your ability.


Anthony Alike commented...

A Playbook is a great tool for any sales process to be effective and efficient.


olalekan oladunjoye commented...

very insightful


Chibby Chiggy commented...

Amazing!!! Positive mindset is key.


Ikeoluwa Okelola commented...

Good post

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