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How Integration Streamlines the Sales Enablement Process
Blog / Sales Management / Oct 19, 2021 / Posted by Sales POP! / 1360

How Integration Streamlines the Sales Enablement Process


Sales enablement is, as you would expect, about enabling your salesforce. When you provide your sales department with the right data, content, and tools, the sales element of your business can run much smoother.

And when the sales enablement process is integrated, you can streamline your business to make operations more productive and profitable.

streamline your business

The Integration of Sales Enablement Tools

The integration of your sales enablement tools makes a huge difference in how well you are able to streamline the process.

Sales enablement tools connect your content, marketing, and sales cycle, allowing you to follow the sales process from beginning to end while tracking analytics along the way to determine what does and doesn’t work.

When you use sales enablement software, it’s also easy to find, track, and cross-reference data to further streamline operations. Basically, sales enablement software provides an overview of the entire lifecycle of sales.

When you use it in conjunction with customer relationship management software to track new leads and store customer information, the sales enablement process becomes further streamlined.

Integration Enables Order Fulfilment Streamlining

Integration also allows for automatic stock updates and order fulfillment. For instance, when you integrate your eCommerce store’s shopping cart with the ingram micro API, many elements of the order fulfillment process are streamlined.

Things like the synchronization of products, inventory updates, shipping, tracking, and product data integration are all taken care of automatically.

That not only streamlines the sales enablement process. It also allows your sales team to have more time to spend on valuable activities like direct marketing and following up leads.

Integrating Customer Journeys into the Sales Enablement Process Creates Better Results

When you integrate the customer journey into the sales enablement process, you can further streamline the process.

Too often, businesses ignore the customer journey in favor of old-fashioned internally-focused sales processes. But aligning all internal sales processes to a relevant customer’s journey is pivotal for implementing a foundation for effective sales enablement.

According to the Annual Sales Enablement Study, organizations that get this integration right make up only 19%, but they achieve much better results in comparison to the others.

Integrating Consistent Content and Training Services Ensures Successful and Streamlined Sales Enablement

For a successful and streamlined sales enablement process, you should integrate your content and training services. If the content types you want your salesforce to use don’t match the content of a product or the value messaging training, you’ll end up creating more confusion than value.

So, it’s vital that all of your messages in your content assets and related training services are continually consistent and highly integrated if you want operations to become streamlined and your business to become more productive and profitable.

Consistency is key for successful sales enablement and integration can go a long way in ensuring that consistency is met right across the board.


There are many ways you can use integration to streamline your business’s sales enablement process. You should use the right software to gain an overview of the entire sales lifecycle and use API integrations to ensure order fulfillment processes are streamlined.

You should also make the customer journey an integrated core element of your sales enablement process and ensure all of your content and training services are integrated consistently.

When you take the right steps to integrate elements of the sales enablement process, you not only streamline the process. You also increase productivity, provide better customer satisfaction, gain customer loyalty, and have the ability to grow your business.

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