Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 The 4 Personality Types
Podcast Salesperson Traits / PodCast / Nov 25, 2019 / Posted by Stu Schlackman / 1737

🎧 The 4 Personality Types

1 comment

How does personality type play into success in sales? Is there an “ideal” personality type that makes up a successful salesperson, or does it depend on the environment that you are in and who fits best in that environment?

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About Author

Stu Schlackman is the Relationship Selling Expert helping to build a high-performance sales team. He is a Certified Speaking Professional with the National Speakers Association and a past president of the North Texas Chapter.

Author's Publications on Amazon

This book is the personal testimony of Stu Schlackman's experience as he discovered the reality of the Jewish Messiah when he moved from New Hampshire to Birmingham, Alabama. Stu grew up in a conservative Jewish home, went to Hebrew School, became Bar Mitzvahed and then…
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Don't Just Stand There, Sell Something aims to help enhance the relationship between the sales manager and salesperson using humor that comes from a lifetime in the trenches. The book teems with practical advice and insight for anyone in sales, from the novice to the…
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Understand the four personality styles and how to sell, serve and create high performance teams by leverage the strengths of each personality style.
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The 180 Rule for Connecting is about your perspective. How do you view others as it relates to communication? We all tend to view life from our own perspective which is directly related to our personality style and our view of human behavior. We expect…
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Comments (1)


Ojo Ayodeji Amos commented...

Personality plays a vital role in the amount of success a salesperson achieve as I’ve leant from this audio and this I’m sure will be a great share to my prospective clients

About Author

Stu Schlackman is the Relationship Selling Expert helping to build a high-performance sales team. He is a Certified Speaking Professional with the National Speakers Association and a past president of the North Texas Chapter.

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