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🎧  Self Compassion and the Relationship with Self
Podcast Health & Wellness / PodCast / Jul 6, 2021 / Posted by Kamini Wood / 923

🎧 Self Compassion and the Relationship with Self


No relationship is more important than the one we have with ourselves. In this Expert Insight Interview, we welcome Kamini Wood, a certified life coach specializing in helping people heal their relationships with themselves.

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About Author

Kamini Wood is a certified Life Coach. She is passionate about working with people to heal their relationships with themselves. Her mission is to empower high-achieving adults and teens to become resilient self-leaders by reducing stress and anxiety, working through trauma, and re-discovering their AuthenticMe®.

Author's Publications on Amazon

'OM: Life's Gentle Reminders' is a compilation of short inspirational stories that come from taking time to stop and pay attention to the daily reminders that are all around us.
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Within these pages, you’ll discover fifty powerful female voices rising up to educate, guide and inspire. Behind each story is a woman bold and brave enough to have her voice be heard.
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40 extraordinary women come together to celebrate a new era. A passion-fueled woman with a commitment to make a difference is an unstoppable force for good on this planet.
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