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🎧 Reveals the Persuasion Code
Podcast Marketing / PodCast / Oct 15, 2019 / Posted by Patrick Renvoise / 2641

🎧 Reveals the Persuasion Code


Patrick Renvoise’s new book, The Persuasion Code: How Neuromarketing Can Help You Persuade Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime, was just released. It’s been 16 years since Patrick Renvoise published his first book on neuromarketing, which took the business world by storm. Interviewed by John Golden, Renvoise shares information about neuromarketing and persuasion in this expert sales interview.

This podcast is also a recorded live event you are welcome to view here: Neuromarketing and the Persuasion Code

iTunes Podcast 

About Author

Patrick, a French-born nerd quickly became an expert in complex sales.  He headed Global Business Development efforts first at Silicon Graphics then as Executive Director of Business Development at LinuxCare. In the course of closing over $3B of business transactions and selling multi-million-dollar super-computers to NASA, Boeing, Shell, Canon, BMW, Airbus and more, he met with some of the smartest people on earth and he became fascinated by the human mind

Author's Publications on Amazon

The Persuasion Code Capture, convince, and close scientifically Most of your attempts to persuade are doomed to fail because the brains of your audience automatically reject messages that disrupt their attention. This book makes the complex science of persuasion simple. Learn to develop better marketing…
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Once you know how the decision-making part of the brain works, you'll quickly begin to deliver more convincing sales presentations, close more deals, create more effective marketing strategies, and radically improve your ability to influence others.
Buy on Amazon

About Author

Patrick, a French-born nerd quickly became an expert in complex sales.  He headed Global Business Development efforts first at Silicon Graphics then as Executive Director of Business Development at LinuxCare. In the course of closing over $3B of business transactions and selling multi-million-dollar super-computers to NASA, Boeing, Shell, Canon, BMW, Airbus and more, he met with some of the smartest people on earth and he became fascinated by the human mind

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