Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧  Mastering the Art of Podcasting
Podcast Marketing / PodCast / Jul 13, 2024 / Posted by Josef Schinwald / 11

🎧 Mastering the Art of Podcasting


In this Podcast episode of the Expert Insight Interview, host John Golden from Sales Pop Online Sales Magazine and Pipeline CRM speaks with Josef Schinwald, a media associate publisher and podcast guesting expert. They discuss the importance of aligning the right host, guest, and audience for successful podcasting. Josef shares insights on starting a podcast, emphasizing the need for a clear plan and consistency. They also explore targeting niche audiences, the role of authenticity and storytelling, and leveraging AI tools for podcast research. Josef offers services to help experts appear on top-level podcasts, enhancing their credibility and reach.

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About Author

Josef Schinwald is the CEO of Guest Experts On Air, specializing in securing bookings on high-end podcasts. With a background in media and academia, Josef brings over 50 TV show appearances and a wealth of expertise in navigating the podcasting landscape. His mission is to empower thought leaders to elevate their presence through strategic podcast guesting. Josef's insights blend practical wisdom with strategic foresight, offering actionable tips for expanding reach and influence in the digital sphere.


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