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🎧 How To Succeed
Podcast / PodCast / Sep 22, 2019 / Posted by Cara Brookins / 2318

🎧 How To Succeed

1 comment

Some people spend their whole lives trying to achieve success, but do they even really know what success is or how it is measured? Is it based on the amount of money you make, the house you live in, the clothes you wear, or the car you drive? What about measuring someone’s success simply based on their personal accomplishments that have positively impacted their lives and those around them? Defining success is the easy part – getting there is obviously the hard part.

iTunes Podcast 

About Author

Cara Brookins is a professional speaker and author best known for being the mom who built a house with her four kids by watching YouTube tutorials.

Author's Publications on Amazon

If you were inspired by Wild and Eat, Pray, Love, you'll love this extraordinary true story of a woman taking the greatest risk of her life in order to heal from the unthinkable. After escaping an abusive marriage, Cara Brookins had four children to provide…
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Comments (1)


George Kolistasi commented...

Sage advice from Cara in “if you get it wrong, do it again, correctly!”. This applies to everything in life.Too many ignore the mistakes or cover it up and keep going which usually ends up in disaster.

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