Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 Finding your “Hell Yeah!” Value Proposition
Podcast Sales and Marketing / PodCast / Feb 9, 2023 / Posted by Michael Liebowitz / 28

🎧 Finding your “Hell Yeah!” Value Proposition


Are you struggling to create a powerful value proposition for your product or service? If yes, then this podcast interview is for you! Learn from an expert how to identify what makes your offer unique and irresistible. Discover the “Hell Yeah!” value proposition that will make your customers jump at the chance to use your product or service. Find out how to stand out from the crowd and get the attention of prospective customers now!

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About Author

Michael Liebowitz loves language. Especially how the language we use determines how we are understood and how people understand our businesses. With a background in linguistics and behavioral neurology, Michael works with consultants, founders, and teams to communicate effectively so they can improve marketing ROI, shorten sales cycles, and get to ‘yes’ faster. He gets his clients to say all the right things that will trigger the parts of our brains that make us want to buy.


About Author

Michael Liebowitz loves language. Especially how the language we use determines how we are understood and how people understand our businesses. With a background in linguistics and behavioral neurology, Michael works with consultants, founders, and teams to communicate effectively so they can improve marketing ROI, shorten sales cycles, and get to ‘yes’ faster. He gets his clients to say all the right things that will trigger the parts of our brains that make us want to buy.

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