Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 Agile Marketing
Podcast Sales and Marketing / PodCast / Apr 27, 2020 / Posted by Andrea D. Fryrear / 1752

🎧 Agile Marketing


When it comes to marketing, there is a common misconception that it’s just an art form or something that involves leisurely fun. But the reality is that it’s not just an art form, it can be a systemized and regimented process that also has the spark of creativity. Agile marketing is a tactical and strategic approach to marketing that is done within a strict time frame. Andrea Fryrear explores how to be an agile marketer in this expert podcast interview hosted by John Golden.

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About Author

Andrea Fryrear is the world’s leading authority on agile marketing and a co-founder of AgileSherpas. She is co-author of the ICAgile Certified Professional in Agile Marketing curriculum, author of Death of a Marketer, and an internationally sought-after speaker and trainer.

Author's Publications on Amazon

Marketing is in critical condition. Hurled into the twenty-first century amidst a storm of digital disruption, it has since focused solely on surviving in a hostile climate. But mere survival is no longer a mark of fitness. Audiences demand excellence. And marketing excellence requires agility.…
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About Author

Andrea Fryrear is the world’s leading authority on agile marketing and a co-founder of AgileSherpas. She is co-author of the ICAgile Certified Professional in Agile Marketing curriculum, author of Death of a Marketer, and an internationally sought-after speaker and trainer.

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